Chapter Eleven

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"Wanna go to the halloween store with me later?" Haylie picks up her bag and we start heading to class. "I'm free, so why not." I smile and we go our separate ways. After school I meet up with Haylie and we head out to her car. I text Caleb and tell him I'm going to hang out with Haylie. 

We drive about 15 minutes to the halloween store. When we enter the store there are fake spider webs everywhere and there are machines that have scary mannequins that jump towards you when u walk past.

Haylie of course goes over to the sexy costumes and I follow. I pick up a Bob Ross costume and show her. She frowns and does jazz hands around the sexy costumes. "Come on babe. It is halloween." Haylie whines. "Yeah but this will be comfortable." I point at the jeans and button up.

"Ok yes, but halloween is the time to be scandalous without regret. It is the one night you can be someone who you are the complete opposite of. So jump into the deep end with me." I roll my eyes, but realize that she is completely right.

I hang the Bob Ross costume back up and look at the 'sexy' costumes. I pick the sexy pirate and look to Haylie. She smirks and nods. I go to the fitting rooms and try it on. I come out and show Haylie. 

Her jaw drops and she smiles. "Damn girl! Look at you!" Haylie claps and I smile. "Now you try on your costume." I go back to the fitting room and change back to my original outfit. I sit outside her fitting room and wait for her.

She comes out and she chose the sexy belly dancer costume. "Give me a twirl!" Haylie spins and laughs. Haylie changes back into her regular clothes and we pay for our costumes. She drives me home and I go up to my room to play music.

The next few day pass by pretty quickly surprisingly. We have been sitting with JD and Caleb at lunch too. I feel bad for Angel, but his friends are horribly wrong if they think I'm gonna sit there and listen to there ignorant opinions.

It is finally Friday and school has just ended. JD comes home with Caleb and I, and we hang out for a while before getting ready. The party starts at 9pm, so we do have a lot of time to do nothing.

Around 7:30pm I head upstairs to get ready. I slip into my costume and psych myself up in my mirror. My costume is red, white, black and brown. It is a short black skirt that has a red and brown belt attached that hangs low on my hips. The top is off the shoulder and is white. It is cropped and has a black short corset the length of the shirt. It has red laces that lace up in the front. 

I curl my hair into loose curls. I put on foundation and fill in my eyebrows. I also put on highlighter and dark red lipstick. I give myself a red smokey eye look and add winged eyeliner to top it all off. 

I look at the clock and it reads 8:22pm. I walk downstairs and see JD and Caleb waiting for me. When they turn to look at me, Caleb looks shocked and JD looks amused. "Why did you get that? You are so exposed." I start to feel embarrassed and look down at my feet. 

"Halloween is the one night you can be anyone. So I thought why not." I look up and see Caleb shaking his head and sighing. I look at their costumes and try to keep myself from gasping. Caleb is wearing a devil costume, but JD is wearing a pirate costume too.

His is the same colors as mine: red, brown and white. He has a white button up on that isn't buttoned all the way, which exposes his chest perfectly, and he has some baggy  pants on that hug him in all the right ways.

"Did you guys plan your costumes?" I gulp and shake my head. JD just smiles and watches me squirm. We get into the car and drive to Haylie's house. When we pull up, there are already tons of car parked outside. I slowly slide out of the car realizing that everyone is going to have to see me like this.

We walk up to the front door and some random guy opens the door. He is clearly intoxicated and slurs to come in. We find Haylie and she is on top her counter dancing to the music blasting throughout her house. 

She jumps down and walks over to us. "You look hot! I knew you could pull it off." I smile and look over to Caleb who looks irritated. "Lets dance!" Haylie pulls me towards her living room where her speakers are. We start dancing and soon JD and Caleb join us. 

A girl starts grinding on JD and he looks really uncomfortable. "Hey JD, dance with me." I say and he nods his head immediately. "Thank you." He whispers in my ear and it sends shivers down my spine. Damn this boy for having such an effect on me.

I look at the girl that was just grinding on him and she is glaring at me. JD wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. Caleb is too caught up with a girl to notice and Haylie just smirks at me and leaves probably to find Sam. 

"You look really nice tonight." I blush at his words and look away from his face. "Thank do you." I look up and see him smirking. We dance for a long time and after a while Caleb leaves with the girl. 

"Hey, I need something to drink. Want to come?" I nod and he leads the way to the kitchen. I grab a soda and he grabs a beer. We talk for a bit and we finish our drinks. JD leans in front of me to throw away his bottle and we stare at each other for a moment. God his eyes are beautiful.


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