Chapter Nine

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Angel and I dance for a bit and then all of us find a table. We sit down and talk about random things. "You look really nice tonight." Angel whispers leaning into my ear. I blush, but thank god it is dark in the club. All of a sudden 'Big Bank' starts to play and Haylie grabs my hand. She drags me to the dance floor and we start dancing. 

We move our hips to the beat and lose ourselves in the music. All of a sudden I feel hands holding my hips. I look back and it is some random blonde guy. I push his hands off of me and he rolls his eyes. "Tease."  I scoff and go back to dancing. 

While we are dancing, the club door opens and a group of really good looking guys walk in. Angel walks over to me and wraps his arm around my waist. I look over to the group of guys and see JD with them. Of course he is with them. He has his arm around the girl from school. She is so pretty, no not pretty, she is gorgeous. When I look back at JD, we make eye contact. 

I quickly look away and look up at Angel. He smiles down at me and I wrap my arms around his neck. This feels really nice. But not really feeling anything romantic. Ugh, I can't keep leading him on. Just then he leans down and kisses me. On the lips this time. "I-" He puts his finger over my lips. "I know you like JD. I can tell by the way you look at him. I just wanted to do that once since I like you." I put my hand on his cheek and smile. "I'm sorry." I look down at my feet. He lifts my head and smiles. "Don't worry. Its been fun hanging out with you so I don't mind."

We keep dancing and every time we get close it doesn't feel awkward, it feels almost comforting.  Haylie grabs my hand and drags me over to our table. "I need something to drink." We walk over to the bar and Haylie orders two shots of vodka. "Are you sure you're feeling up to have two shots?" I ask walking over to our table with her.

"Nope. That is why you are having one." I shake my head and sit down. "Come on. I didn't charm that bartender for nothing." Angel and Sam walk over to us and see that we have shots. Haylie throws her shot back and stares at me. I sigh and throw it back too. Ugh the burning never gets better. "I will be right back." I start walking away. "Where are you going?" Haylie says getting up. "Bathroom." I say motioning to the back corner. "Oh I will come." She say linking arms with me.

I laugh and we go to the bathroom. As we come out I bump into someone. "Oh shit my bad." I slur a bit. I look up and see JD. "Did you drink?" He asks with a frown. "A tiny winy bit." I giggle and Haylie tries to drag me to the dance floor. "Can I talk to Kayla for a minute?" Haylie shrugs and walks off. 

"I'm taking you home." He grabs my arm and starts to head to the door. "No. I'm here with friends." I say trying to pull my hand out from his. "Sure 'friend'." He lets me go and runs his hand through his hair. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Angel...he isn't just your friend anymore." He frowns and looks at his feet. Did he see the kiss? "Well your friend over there isn't just a friend either." I say looking at my feet too. 

"Mireya? She is just a friend." He says lifting his head. "She doesn't think that." I say under my breath. "What do you mean?" Damn, he heard me. "The other day she told me that you guys are a thing." He laughs and stops when he realizes that I'm serious. He lifts my head and stares at me. "She doesn't mean anything to me." I gulp and he removes his hand from my chin. 

Man, why am I feeling this way? I am supposed to be moving on. He looks away and rubs his neck. "You can go dance some more. But just know I am taking you home. Caleb would want me to." I almost got my hopes up. I almost let myself think he cared for me. Of course he is just doing it, because Caleb would be super mad if he found JD was here and didn't bring me home.

I just nod and walk back to the dance floor. "What did he want?" Haylie asks while dancing on Sam. "JD is going to be taking me home when we are done." I say beginning to sway to the music. "But you came here with us." Haylie pouts. "I know. He says he has to since he knows Caleb would be so angry with him if he didn't." We both roll our eyes.

For the next few hours, I tried to forget about JD and just have fun. A guy comes up to me and I let him hold me. Angel glares daggers at him and he lets go. Angel moves in close to and holds my hips. 

"I know you don't like me, but please don't let guys fondle you in front of me. My feelings haven't just disappeared." He whispers in my ear and it sends chills down my spine. "Sorry." Is all I can get out. We dance some more and soon we call it a night.

"Goodnight guys." I wave and they all wave back. I walk over to JD and Mireya is all over him. "You ready?" He looks up at me lets out a relieved sigh. "Yeah." He stands up and Mireya opens her mouth to say something, but JD puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me out of the club before she can speak.

"You didn't say bye." He turns to look at me and gives me a confused look. "Mireya? We just left and said nothing." He shrugs and I roll my eyes. I grab my shoulder and he looks down to my hand and then at me.

I lean down and slide off my heels. "My feet are killing me. Thanks for the shoulder." I let go of his shoulder and start walking. 


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