Chapter Four

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The next morning I wake up with a slight pounding in my head. I walk over to my dresser and take the aspirin that JD left out last night. I smile to myself thinking about last and then I get pulled out of my fantasy by the sound of my phone ringing. I check the caller ID and it's Haylie. 

"Wassup babes." 

"Haylie can you not talk so loudly. I have a bad headache."

"Does my baby have her first hangover?!" 


"Is that why you came into the bathroom looking like you were going to spew any second?"

"Yeah. I'm surprised you noticed. You seemed pretty...busy."

"Yeah about that...Sam and I really hit it off. But I doubt it will happen again. We were just having fun. Plus we were under the influence, so..."

"I say just let things play out and if it does go somewhere, why not go for it ya know."


"So I have so pretty big news."

"Oo sounds interesting. Spill."

"JD and I kinda...kissed."

"WHAT!!! I'm coming over right now."

"No I can just.." 

She hangs up before I can finish my sentence. Within five minutes Haylie is at my house. I go downstairs and let her in. "He kissed you!" She exclaims. "Shhh! Caleb is upstairs and I don't want him to know yet." We go up to my room and sit on my bed. "How was it? Is he a great kisser?" She squeals. "It wasn't anything like I imagined it to be. I thought if I ever kissed him, it would be only lustful knowing how he is. But this kiss was gentle and caring at first. It was soft and it felt like I was in a romance story. Then I kissed him back harder and things got a little more passionate." I blush as I remember last night.

"Yeah, I can see how 'passionate' it got." She says brushing back some of my hair to reveals a hickey. "Damn. I didn't even notice it yet. Imagine if Caleb saw this first." We exchange knowing looks. "Did you guys go..all the way?" She asks. "No. Caleb came home. But still I don't think we would've gone all the way." I say playing with my hands. "Well, want to watch a movie?" Haylie suggests standing up. I smile and we walk downstairs.

After getting into our 80's movie marathon, there's a knock at the door. "I will get it." I say jumping off the couch. When I open the door I am met with those gorgeous hazel eyes. "Hey can we talk?" Oh god. I knew what was about to happen. "Yeah. What's up?" I ask walking outside and closing the door behind me. "About the kiss...It was great, don't get me wrong, but I think that we shouldn't go down this path." The words send sharp daggers into my heart. "You are my best friend's sister. I care about you a lot, but I don't want to hurt Caleb or our friendship. So I think it would be best to act like it never happened." 

"Ok. Do you want to come in?Caleb is in his room." I say making sure my sadness isn't getting through to my voice. JD gives me a confused look, but then walks in. "Who was it?" Haylie asks and then sees JD. She just smiles and then goes back to watching TV. I sit on the couch next to her and text her about everything that just happened since their door is open. "I'm sorry babe." Haylie says pulling me into a hug. We watch movies for the rest of the day.

*A couple weeks later*

These couple of weeks haven't been that weird. I was scared that when I would hang out with JD it would be awkward, but it wasn't. It has been hard to see JD with other girls though. I can't help being a little jealous. It's hard knowing that something could have been there, but isn't going to happen. Every now and then we will make make eye contact when a girl is practically throwing herself at him and then we will both look away. That is the only time it feels awkward. To distract myself I've been throwing myself into schoolwork. But it isn't healthy since now I barely spend time with others. 

"Honey, it's me." My Mom says knocking on my door. "Come in." My Mom walks in and sits on my bed. "I may have done something you might not like." She says looking down at her hands. "Mom. What did you do?" I ask sitting up worriedly. "I may or may have not gotten you a job." My eyes get really wide and she plays with her hands. "Why?" I ask angrily. "Sweetie. You haven't gone out in so long. I don't know why, but I know that it is not healthy. I'm just worried hun." She says grabbing my hand.

"Where is the job?" I ask. "You are a babysitter at the day care down the street. You work Mondays and Wednesdays after school starting at 4pm-8pm and on Sundays from 9am-2pm."  At least it is with kids, since I want to go into pediatrics. "When do I start?" I ask. "Tomorrow." I nod and I head downstairs. I am upset with my Mom for this, but I know she is only doing this because she cares about me. And honestly I could use the money.

*Tomorrow morning*

I wake up to the wonderful sound of panic and horror coming from my alarm clock at 7am. I turn off my alarm and reluctantly get up. I sluggishly walk to the bathroom and take a shower. I dry off and brush my hair. I go back to my room and change. Thank god there is no uniform. I decide on some jean shorts and a slightly oversized grey t-shirt. I slide on some yellow vans and sloppily put my hair into a bun. I hurry downstairs and grab a banana. 

"Look who is out of the whole." I roll my eyes and notice that JD is here. "Did you spend the night?" I ask while peeling the banana. "Yeah. Forgot my house and didn't feel like sneaking in past curfew." I grab my bag and the look for the car keys. "Where are the car keys?" I ask. "Why do you need them?" Caleb says scrolling through his phone. "I got important things to attend to." I say smiling. "Like what?" I spot the keys in his pocket. I lunge for his pocket and grab the keys. "Secret things." I say as I walk away. 


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