Chapter Six

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*Monday Morning*

I turn off my alarm and jump into the shower. I dry off and brush my hair. When I go back to my room, I decide on wearing jean shorts and a black halter top. I go back into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Strangely, Caleb hasn't yelled at me to get out of the bathroom yet. Once I'm down with the bathroom, I go and check on Caleb. "Hey Caleb. You up?" I knock on his door and get no answer. I open the door slightly and see that he is still asleep. "Wake up idiot." I say shaking him. He smacks my arm away and turns on his side. "I'm not going today. I called JD and he said that he would give you a ride." I sigh and start to walk out. 

"I can drive myself too you know." I say before I close the door. I walk down the stairs and I am greeted with beautiful hazel eyes. "Here we go." I whisper to myself. I don't mind having to drive with JD, I just don't want to have to survive the uncomfortable silence that will happen. We haven't really had any one on one talks since the day he decided we should have a purely friendly relationship. JD swings his keys around his finger and smirks at me as I come down the stairs. "You ready?" I nod and we head out to his car. During the car ride we barely speak. "Are you mad at me?" Why would I be mad at him? Hmm..maybe because you led me to believe we could go somewhere, but then cut down all our chances.

"Nope." I keep looking out the window, so I don't have to make eye contact with him. "Ok. I just thought...we don't talk anymore, so I thought you were mad." He explains tightening his grip on the wheel. Soon the school is in view and we park. I jump out of the car and start to walk away. "See you at lunch I guess." He says and I wave in response. I meet up with Haylie and Sam. We walk around the school until the first bell rings and talk about our weekends. Sam leaves to his first class and tell Haylie about Angel and how JD acted when he met him. 

"That is jealousy hun." Haylie says pulling open the classroom door. "I think he is just reverting back to how it was before the kiss. Because even before, he was really protective." We sit down in the back and keep talking. The rest of my classes before lunch slowly pass by. Finally the bell rings and I hurry to meet with Haylie. On my way to the cafeteria, I run into Angel. "Hey cute stuff. Wanna sit with my friends and I?" He asks slinging an arm around my shoulders. "Why not?" I smile and we walk to his table. 

"Can I bring my friends over?" I asks. "Why not?" He says it like I did earlier. I get up and find Sam and Haylie. "Where is JD?" Haylie points to a table in the front of the cafeteria. I turn and see a girl sitting on JD's lap feeling him up. When we make eye contact, JD grabs the girls' face and crashes his lips into hers. Of course she reciprocates it. I look away and put on a fake smile. Haylie gives me a sympathetic look and we go over to Angel's table which is right next to the table that JD is getting busy at. 

Angel introduces me to all of his friends and I introduce Haylie and Sam. Throughout lunch we all share jokes and get to know each other, but I can't help feeling distracted the whole time. Haylie notices and grabs my hand under the table. Haylie has know that I've had feelings for JD since my dad left when I was 10. Caleb really stepped up and became more protective. Since JD was always around he also stepped up and always took care of me. Ever since then, I have always been infatuated with him.

When the bell rings Angel walks me to class and stops me before I go into the classroom. "Let me give you a ride to work, since we are both going there." I smile and nod. He smiles and walks to his class. The rest of day passing by slowly as well and then the final bell rings. Angel texts me to meet him in the parking lot. "You ready to go?" JD asks throwing his stuff into his car. "Angel is giving me a ride." Angel waves and I walk towards him. "Um no you're not." JD says grabbing my hand. "Yes I am." I pull my hand away from him and he jumps in his car. 

I jump into Angel's car and JD watches us drive away with a hurt look. Work goes by fairly quickly. We have a lot of fun and the kids seem to be getting sweeter. I'm sitting in a group of girls around 10 and we are talking about boys. "Kayla do you have a boyfriend?" One girl asks. "No. The guy I like is just my friend and I don't think it will ever be more than that." I give a fake smile and change the topic. "Who do you guys like?" All the girls look at each other and giggle. All in unison they say, "Angel." I laugh and Angel comes over. 

"What's so funny?" He asks. "Nothing." He sits down beside me and flashes me his award winning smile. I can see why they like him. He is really sweet and he is attractive. After a little bit, the parents start to come pick up the kids. As we clean up, Angel turns on the radio and "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry comes on. He starts lip syncing and dancing. I laugh and start dancing with him too. Towards the end of the song he grabs my hand and spins me. Then he spins me inward and he holds me. "Go on a date with me Kayla." I just stand there for a second and forget that I'm supposed to respond. "You don't have to, but you fascinate me and I would really enjoy getting to know you more." He says releasing his hold on me.

I smile and nod. "I would enjoy it too." Angel is a great guy so why not. Plus I need to get over JD. I'm not going to be the girl that just waits around for a guy that is never going to come around. 


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