Chapter Ten

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I start to limp over to JD's car before I feel his hand holding my wrist. I look up at him and he walks in front of me. He squats down and motions for me to climb on. "Are you sure?" He looks back at me and hods his head. I hesitantly climb on and he stands up like I wasn't on his back.

"You are lighter than I thought you would be." I smack his arm and he laughs. "You just eat so much, so now I am wondering where it all goes." He carries me all the way to the passenger side of the car and opens the door for me. I slide in and he gets in too.  

"Are you cold?" I am practically shivering and I nod. He takes off his jacket and wraps it around me. Even if he wasn't always the nicest, he always makes sure I am ok. His leather jacket is warm and I snuggle into it. I close my eyes and relax in the warmth of the car on the way home. 

I guess I must've fallen asleep, since when I start to open my eyes again I feel two arms holding me and I am being carried up a flight of stairs. "JD you are welcome to stay the night. I can tell your mom that you're staying here." I hear my mom say off in the distance.

"I don't want to burden you." I snuggle into his warmth. You might think, Kayla aren't you trying to get over him?  Yes but when is the next time that I will be in JD's arms. Gotta live life asking for forgiveness and not permission ya know. Yikes that was cheesy, but moving on.

"Sweetie, It is already 2 in the morning. I would feel better if you stayed here." I feel him nod and carry me up the rest of the stairs. He lays me in my bed and takes off my shoes. I feel my bed dip and his hand push some of my hair behind my ear. "Why do you have such a huge effect on me?"

Wait, is this the real JD? He has never said anything like this. All of a sudden I feel a light kiss on my forehead. Did that just happen? Did Jason Dean just kiss my forehead? I must keep calm. He tucks my blanket around me and leaves my room. I smile to myself and fall asleep soon.

*Next Morning*

"Wake up sis! I'm going out to get breakfast want anything?" I throw my pillow at him and he sighs. After he leaves I try to go back to sleep, but fail. I look at the clock and it reads 6:53am. Is he crazy? 

I get up and change into some black sweats and a white tank top. I drag myself into the bathroom and wash off the makeup from last night that is now smeared all over. I pull my hair into a bun and clip back my short pieces of hair. As I walk back to my room, I see JD walk past the stairs without a shirt on. Damn. 

I creep downstairs and head for the kitchen. "Good morning." I turn and see him smiling. "Hey." I grab a bowl and pour a lot of cereal into it. I grab my almond milk and head towards the couch. I turn on the TV and start eating.

"Is your mom still sleeping?" He asks in a whisper tone. "No, her boss has been making her come in around 5am lately." I shovel in another spoonful of cereal and that is when it hits me. We are alone. Oh god. Do I say something? 

He sits next to me and grabs the remote from me. "Are you hungry?" He flips through a few channels and nods. I stand up and head back over to the kitchen. I pour him a big bowl of corn flakes and bring it over to him. "Milk?" I hand him my almond milk and he furrows his sculpted brows.

"It is good." He smiles his beautiful smile and pours it in. He eats one spoonful and smiles. "It is good." I smile and he flips through some more channels. We watch TV for the rest of the day.

The next few weeks go by like normal. JD comes over more after school and hanging out with him becomes normal again. After a while, I start to forget that there was ever an awkward time between us after the kiss. 

Haylie and I start to sit with JD again, but only 2 days out of the week. "So are you and JD seeing each other?" One of Angel's friends ask. "Me? No." I shake my head and bite into my PB&J. "Good, because I've heard that he only does humps and dumps. That guy has no feelings I swear." 

I grab my stuff and stand up. "Where are you going?" Angel grabs my hand. "I'm going to sit with JD and Caleb. Haylie want to come?" Haylie also stands up. We walk over to their table and sit down.

"Why are you guys over here?" JD has a concerned look on his face. "Nothing." I lie because I didn't want him to know why the guy said. "A guy over there was bad mouthing you, so we left." Haylie cuts in knowing that I wouldn't say anything.

"What did they say?" Caleb asks the dreaded question. "They told us that it is a good thing that we aren't a 'thing' with JD because he would just hump and dump us." Haylie says so nonchalantly. 

"Wow. You guys didn't have to leave their table though. I don't care what people say about me." He smiles. "Ok, but we care about what others say." I say meekly. He smiles and we change the subject.

"I'm having a Halloween party this Friday. You guys are obviously invited so get your costumes soon." Haylie literally squeaks. 


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