Chapter Sixteen

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*Monday morning*

I slam my hand into my phone to turn off my alarm. It's 6am and I groan at the sliver of sunlight shining through my curtains. I slide out of bed and head to the bathroom. I take a quick shower to wake myself up and head back to my room.

I slip on a black t-shirt and then put on my plaid print dress over it. I slip on some flats and head downstairs. I put some bread into the toaster and wrap my hair into a messy bun. My mom walks into the kitchen and gives me a double take. 

"Might want to cover that up before Caleb sees." She hands me some powder foundation from her purse. "Oh god. Thank you." I gratefully take the makeup from her and apply it all over my neck.

Caleb comes downstairs right as I finish and I grab the toast. I slather some jam on the toast and we head out the door. Caleb drops me at the front of the school and parks in the back. JD meets up with me and slings his arm around my shoulders.

We meet up with Haylie and Sam, and walk around the school. "So are you guys a thing?" Haylie whispers to me. I nod and she smiles widely. JD walks me to class and we sit outside my class until the bell rings.

"See you later cutie." JD lightly kisses my forehead and walks away. He really knows how to melt my heart. I head into class and take my seat.

*A couple hours later*

I walk out of my last class before lunch and head to the cafeteria. All of a sudden a hand grabs my arm and stops me completely in my tracks. "Are you and" It's the girl from the other day that ran into his arm.

A part of me wants to rub it in her face that I am with him, but another part of me feels kind of bad for her. "Uhhh yeah." I look down at my feet and I feel her let go of me. When I look up, she doesn't look sad, she looks angry.

She walks away and I head to the cafeteria. Once I make it to the cafeteria I see Haylie, Sam, JD and Caleb all sitting together. I get really excited to see Caleb and JD sitting next to each other and head over to them.

"Kayla want to sit with us?" One of Angel's friends ask. "Sorry, I'm going to sit with the others today. But tomorrow?" He nods and I turn back around. Right as I turn around a foot springs out right in front of me.

Luckily I see it in time and barely miss tripping over it. I sit next to JD and he wraps his arm around me. Caleb just stares at us for minute, but just rolls his eyes. "We should all go to the club." Haylie chimes in. 

"That actually sounds really fun." I say realizing I haven't gone out in a while. "Great. What do you think Caleb?" Haylie asks. "Can I bring a friend?" Haylie nods. "I'm in then." Calebs smiles. I get up and grab all the leftover food to throw away.

As I walk towards the trash can, the same foot juts out and this time I'm not fast enough. I fall over and the leftover food goes all over me. The cafeteria goes silent as I sit up trying to get the food off of me. I look up and see the girl from earlier. 

Damn she is really this mad that she felt petty enough to trip me. I stand up and grab all the trash again. I throw it in the trash and head to the bathroom. "Kayla?" A familiar voice asks. "Yeah?" JD walks in and sees the food stains all over me.

He pulls his sweatshirt off and hands it to me. "Here, put this on." I take his sweatshirt and slide it on. It is bulky, but not big enough to swallow me whole. "Thank you." He steps closer and pulls me tight to him. 

"Did you get hurt?" I shake my head. "Do you know who tripped you?" I nod and he leans back to look at my eyes. "Who?" He asks. "It was the girl I saw you with the other day." He furrows his brows. "Why would she want to do this?"

"Maybe because she likes you." He sighs. "I'm sorry." I shake my head and put my hand on his cheek. "Don't be. It's not your fault that you are irresistible." I laugh at my cheesiness and he rolls his eyes.

"Come on. I will walk you to class." He reaches his hand out for mine and I gladly take it. He walks me to class and kisses me on the lips a little roughly. "Woah. That was...a lot." I breathe heavily. 

"I will see you after school?" He smirks. "Yeah. Actually that's perfect because Caleb isn't going to be able to give me a ride and mom isn't home." He places a more gentle kiss on my forehead and pushes some hair behind my ear for me.

"See ya cutie." And with that he walks away. The rest of the day goes by slowly in anticipation of the final bell ringing. When the final bell rings, I meet up with JD and we walk towards the back parking lot.

We jump in the car and pull out of the parking lot. We park in my driveway and go inside. "Wanna watch TV?" He nods and we sit on the couch. I start to flip through the channels and he pulls me onto his lap. We cuddle and he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Wanna go on a date Friday night?" I smile. "I don't know. I am a really busy person and I have several other guys that I have to see." Definitely not using sarcasm. "Oh yeah? Maybe your mom is free this Friday?" I smack his arm and he laughs. 

"Of course I will go with you. You know you don't have to ask right?" He smiles and gives me a light peck. I smile and nuzzle my head into his neck. 


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