Chapter Twelve

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He steps away from me and clears his throat. "I think we should go find Caleb or Haylie." I nod slightly and feel somewhat disappointed. I mean what did I expect. I know what I want, but I know it won't happen.

I start walking out of the kitchen and stop. I turn around and face a now confused JD. I step closer to him hesitantly and surprisingly he steps closer too. "Fuck it." He grabs my face and smashes his lips against mine. 

It is rough, but it is equally powerful and full of emotion. I break the kiss and smile at the fact we are both out of breath. He runs his hand through my hair and I place my lips on his again. He reciprocates the kiss gently and softly bites my lip. 

This boy will be the death of me. I moan at the sensation and he grins. He wraps his arms around my waist and for a minute we just stare at each other. Silently we exchange looks of admiration and understanding. 

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now." He whispers in my ear and I feel his warm breath on my neck. I get goosebumps and I absolutely love it. "Can we try that thing where you put your lips on me again?" Without hesitation he places his lips on mine.

I feel him smile while we kiss and it gives me butterflies. I never thought that one day I would be kissing the Jason Dean. Honestly I never saw this coming because in my head it has always just been a fantasy.

All of sudden his lips aren't on mine. When I open my eyes I see Caleb holding JD by his collar. "What the actual fuck are you doing man!" Caleb's vein on his forehead is really popping out and I try to pry his hands off of JD. 

"I-" JD is at a loss for words. "That's my little sister man! How can you do this?" Haylie runs in with Sam and thank god they help me get Caleb off of JD. "Caleb let's calm down." I try to ease the situation because people are starting to come see what is going on. 

"No. Don't touch me. You kissed my best friend." He has a look of disgust on his face and it hurts a little to see him like this. I have never seen him like this, so it is very shocking. I let go of him and walk out the front door.

I didn't realize it until I got outside, but I had been holding my breath. I suck in a breath and start breathing quickly. I slow my breathing and calm my heart beat down. Haylie comes out with Caleb and he looks calmer, but when he looks at me the look of disgust returns.

He gets into the car without saying a word to me and I stand there with Haylie for a minute. "It will be ok hun." Haylie hugged me and went back inside. When she opened the door, I can see JD standing there looking shell shocked. We really messed up bad.


It has been a couple days since the party and JD hasn't contacted us at all. Caleb also won't even look at me and has ignored me every time I try to apologize or just talk to him. I get out of my bed and throw on a sweatshirt and jeans.

I put my hair in a pony tail and head downstairs. I grab my bag and Caleb starts to head out. I hurry after him and get in the car. "Hey want to watch 'The Fosters' when we get home?" I try to make conversation, but he just looks at me and then back at the road.

Ok then. "Look I don't know what you want me to say, but I'm sorry." He lets out a sigh. "I just can't believe you would kiss JD. Of all people my best friend." Man, why did I have to have feelings for JD. 

"I'm really sorry, but I am not going to deny my feelings for him. I just don't want you to hate me." He shakes his head. "I could never hate you. You are my sister and I love you to death. But I know how JD is and don't want him to treat you like all the other girls he has 'been' with." 

His words sting. Sadly because they are true. I know how JD and it will really suck if he thinks that I am just a booty call. But when we kiss, it doesn't feel like I am disposable. 

"So can we watch 'The Fosters' tonight?" I flash him my puppy dog eyes and make my bottom lip quiver. He rolls his eyes and nods. Caleb drops me at the front of the school and I meet up with Haylie. 

As we walk around I spot JD. We make eye contact and I wave. He is smiling, but he looks so sad. I walk Haylie to class and then I walk to my class. The classes go by pretty slowly as usual. When the bell for lunch rings I head out quickly. 

I meet up with Angel and his friends and Haylie finds us along with Sam. We sit at the table and start talking like usual. All of a sudden two strong hands grip my shoulders. I jump and he laughs. Of course it's Caleb. 

"Caleb! I almost had a heart attack asshole." I hit his arm and pretends to be hurt. "Scoot over loser." He motions for me to move. I scoot down and he sits. "How do you know Caleb? Are you guys dating?" I gag hearing this come from one of Angel's friends. 

"I'm her brother." Caleb laughs and grabs my sandwich. "Oh. Wait this is your sister?! I didn't know you had a sibling man." Caleb nods and bites into my sandwich. "Dude not cool." I grab my sandwich back and eat it quickly, so he can't have anymore.

He rolls his eyes, but then gets a very serious look on his face. I follow his gaze and see JD. He is sitting at a table in the back and for once isn't sharing spit with some random girl. He is actually reading a book and is ignoring a girl talking his ear off.

"Have you talked to him?" I ask in a whisper, so only he can hear. "I am probably never going to talk to him. He kissed you and he knows that siblings are out of bounds."He says a little too loudly, obviously not getting my hint to keep it between us. 

Everyone at the table looks over at me. I smile and start talking to Haylie to avoid questions. "Caleb has the skull of a caveman I swear." I sigh and Haylie gives me an empathetic look. 


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