Chapter Eight

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"He kissed your cheek!?" Haylie exclaimed over the phone. "Yesss! He is so adorable." I smile and caress my cheek where he kissed me. "So are you guys official??" I didn't know how to answer this. We had fun, but I think it is too soon to know if I like him. The kiss was cute and all, but it didn't really spark any fireworks. "No. It's too soon." I sigh and we say our goodbyes. I soon go to sleep after we end the call.

On Monday, classes go by slowly in my anticipation to see Angel. When the lunch bell rings, I come out of class and Angel is already waiting for me. "Hey cutie." My heart skips a beat when I hear this. Not in a good way though. 'cutie' was JD's nickname for me and it almost felt wrong for Angel to call me that. I shake it off and we go to lunch. Once we sit at the table, JD walks into the cafeteria with Caleb. 

They sit down at the table next to us and JD just watches me. When Angel gets up to go to the bathroom, he kisses my cheek and I see JD's face wince. Almost like he was hurt. I go back to eating lunch and when I finally have the courage to look back at JD, he has his arm wrapped around a really beautiful girl. She looks perfect. She actually looks like a nice girl, she isn't even dressed like a slut going to church. 

God how I wish I was that girl. Did I really just think that? God what is wrong with me? I'm supposed to be moving on. I need to get my act together. I think JD notices me starring because he starts planting light kisses all over her cheek. I look away embarrassed for watching, but his lips just look so soft and gentle. 

Angel comes back and wraps his arm around me. Haylie and Sam haven't showed up yet, so I'm pretty sure I don't want to know what they are doing. "Want to go to the club with my friends and I on Friday? We can bring Haylie and Sam too. Seems like they have been...getting to know each more." He smirks and I laugh. "Sounds like fun. I'm in." 

After the lunch bell rings, Angel walks me to my next class. When I walk in, the girl JD was with is in my class. I don't know what came over me, but my feet must've had their own mind because they made me walk over to her.

I stood there for a second hoping I could walk away without being detected, but she turns around and smiles. Why did she have to be nice too?! It's so much easy to despise someone when they are a royal ass. 

"Hi. Quick question. Are you and JD a thing?" I look at my feet, so I don't have to look at her beauty. "I guess so. I mean he asked me on a date." She replies smiling. "Oh." this is all I could make out through my shock. JD has never gone on a date with anyone. 

I walk away and sit in my seat. I zone out the whole class realizing that JD has moved on. Sadly, I'm am hurt realizing this. I really want to move on if he is already moved on. The rest of the week moves on pretty slowly.

*Friday after school*

"I will come pick you and Haylie up at 8pm. See you then." Angel kisses my forehead and gets in his car. I walk over to Caleb's car and get in the backseat since JD was already in the passenger seat. We drive home in silence.

When I get home, I call Haylie and she comes over with her stuff to get ready. For a couple of hours we just hang out in my room listening to music. Haylie pulls out this beautiful mid-thigh length champagne colored, backless cocktail dress and black pumps. "Woah. You're gonna be smoking'." I say in awe. "Thanks babe." I open my closet and stare at it pondering what I should wear. 

Haylie walks over and stares too. But within a minute she picks out a dress and hands it to me. "This one." I hold the dress out and my jaw drops. Of course she picks the one dress that I am ashamed to have in my closet because it is so revealing.

It's a white dress that is really shimmery and really short. It has a low v-cut and the back also dips low. Haylie then goes to my shoe rack and pulls out my black stilettos. "Haylie no. My boobs and ass are basically hanging out." I frown and hand it back to her. "Uh duh. It's a club. It's the one place you can be slutty without shame." Haylie pushes the dress back to me and I just roll my eyes. 

I get changed and we do a reveal to each other. "Damn girl!" Haylie exclaims. I look in the mirror and I actually really do look good. We go to the bathroom and do our hair. I straighten mine, while Haylie curls hers. 

Then Haylie does my makeup. She gives me a smokey, golden look with winged eyeliner. Then she does her own makeup. She gives herself peachy, bronze look with winged eyeliner as well. We put on our heels and head downstairs. 

"What are you guys wearing?!" Caleb walks over to us and throws blankets around us. "We are going out." Haylie declares. "No, not dressed like that." The door bell rings and we throw the blankets off of us. 

When we open the door, and Angel and Sam are standing there. There jaws practically hit the floor and are at a loss for words. "You guys better take care of them tonight. And keep those hands to yourself." Caleb warns the guys and they just nod, scared if they said something it would upset the monster. 

It takes us about 35 minutes to get to the club. Once we get there we are let in right away, since Angel is friends with the owner. When we walk in music is blasting and everyone is dancing. I turn to Angel and he simply offers me his hand. Once I take his hand, he sweeps me into a world of dance and fun.

The kiss that shouldn't happen(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now