Chapter Three

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Within half an hour of the party a lot of people have shown up. Leave it to Haylie to be secretly popular. "How do you know all these people?" I ask her. "Well, school. But I also told everyone  that they could bring whoever they want too so..." She responds and then Sam walks through the gate. "Sam is here. Want me to introduce you?" I ask. "Yes please." She says excitedly. I laugh and we walk over to Sam. "Hey Sam. This is best friend Haylie." I say. "Hey." He says. We walk over to some tables and hang out. Haylie and him are doing a lot of the talking, so I excuse myself to let them get closer. 

"Who was that?" JD asks pulling me aside. "Who?" I ask. "The guy." He says nodding towards Sam and Haylie. "Oh Sam. He is new to our school, so I thought I should invite him." I explain. "Oh." He says. "Why?" I ask. "No reason. I'm gonna go into the pool. Care to join?" He asks. "Sure." I say. I walk over to a chair and kick off my shoes. JD takes off his shirt to reveal some drool worthy abs and catches me starring. I look away quickly and take off my shorts. When I look up, I catch JD starring too. Now it's his turn to look away. 

When I take my shirt off; I feel really exposed. I instinctively try to cover myself with my arms, but it doesn't help much. "Kayla what are you wearing?!" Caleb asks angrily. "It's Haylie's. This is literally the most covering one she had." I explain. "It's my fault so chill." Haylie says. "I will take care of her man, so don't worry." JD says trying to reassure Caleb. Caleb just sighs and walks away. "Sorry." Haylie mouths and I just smile. 

Now I feel very exposed after all that and I'm pretty sure JD notices. "You shouldn't try to hide yourself. You look beautiful." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the pool. I smile and feel heat rise up my neck. We hang out in the pool and play the pool version of volleyball for a long time. Once we feel pretty tired, we get out of the pool. JD grabs a towel and wraps me in it. He holds me for a second and it actually feels pretty nice. Then he grabs a towel for himself and dries off. "I'm going to go grab a drink. Want anything?" I ask. "A soda would be great." He says with a side smile. I smile back and go over to the drink area. 

I grab a lemonade and a Coke. I walk over to JD where there are two girls practically drooling over him and hand him the Coke. "I'm going to go find Haylie. See ya later." I say and grab my clothes. I open the lemonade and look all over for Haylie. She isn't at the table I left her at and she isn't in the pool. After 20 minutes I give up and throw my now empty lemonade bottle away. My head starts to feel a little woozy, so I sit down for a minute. The dizziness doesn't stop, so I start to head for a bathroom.

Everything is spinning now and I feel like I'm going to be sick. JD sees me and walks over to me. "Are you feeling ok?" He asks. I shake my head and he puts his arm around me to help me stand. He walks me over to the bathroom and when we go into the bathroom, Haylie and Sam are sucking each others faces off. "Oh shit my bad." JD says. "Do you think you can make it to Haylie's house?" He asks shutting the door. I nod and we sluggishly make it to Haylie's house. 

He helps me into the bathroom and holds my hair back, while I vomit up a storm. "What did you drink Kayla?" He asks. "I only had a lemonade." I respond in between hacks. "Did you drink the one with the brand 'Mike's Hard Lemonade'?" He asks wiping my chin for me. "Yeah." I respond. "Kayla, that lemonade had alcohol in it." He says sighing. "Why did someone bring it then?" I ask annoyed. "Because some of the guys wanted to have some 'fun'." He explains. "Can you take me home JD?" I ask looking up at him. "You don't even have to ask." He says. 

Once I'm done, we start to head out. "Caleb I'm taking Kayla home. She isn't feeling to hot." He says. "Thank you." Caleb says. JD puts me into his car and buckles me in. When we get to my house, I feel a lot better. JD still helps me out of the car though, since I am a little wobbly still. He helps me up the stairs and into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and he grabs some aspirin and water for tomorrow morning. We walk to my bedroom and I sit on my bed. "Thank you." I say as he is walking around my room taking everything in. "Don't worry about it." He says smiling. He picks up a bracelet off my dresser. 

"I made this for you so long ago and you still have it." He says smiling to himself. "I keep all the sentimental things my friends make me." I say smiling. I get up and stand right next to him. "I use that bracelet as a good luck bracelet, since very time I wear it something good happens." I look up at him and we lock eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. They are the perfect mixture of brown and green. He grabs my hand and slides the bracelet on. My eyes then glide from my wrist back up to his face.

He takes a step closer and his hand caresses my cheek. He leans down and lays a soft kiss on my lips. He separates from my face for a minute and then I crash my lips into his. I tug on his hair and he bites my lip. This just intensifies what I am feeling and I kiss him back more passionately. He pulls back for a minute to catch his breath and whispers, "We shouldn't be doing this." "I know." I say and I passionately kiss him again. He begins to kiss down my cheek and starts to suck on my neck. 

Suddenly the garage door opens and he immediately stops. "Caleb.." We both say. I quickly change into some shorts and a tank top. "Goodnight." He says in a husky voice. "Goodnight." I say as he kisses my cheek before he heads downstairs. I get into my bed and fall asleep soon after.


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