The Roses Trilogy 1 - My Devils

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Chapter One - Eva

I woke cold and shaking in the dark, the rain was pouring down and I could feel the sting as it hit my body, washing the blood away from the bruised and broken flesh. I tried to stand but couldn't, too weak to do more than move my body more upright and look around.

I was lying on the edge of a road, surrounded by forest, no lights, no people, nothing. I laid back down unable to hold myself up and longer, tears formed and tracked silently down my face as my mind took me back

Flashback - the club was loud and I was uncomfortable with all the bodies pressing close, my cousin Lyra had dragged me out to celebrate our graduating with her friends. Within the first 30 minutes I knew I wanted to leave this wasn't my scene, I had spent my time in college studying and working in the library, I didn't drink, hated the thought of drugs and wasn't good in social situations but my Aunt had told Lyra she couldn't go out without me, so here I was nursing a Coke, pretending to be okay.

Lyra had returned to our table with a group of guys, giggling and holding onto one of them, whilst the others surrounded me, "Hey Baby.. you want some action" one slurred in my ear throwing an arm around my neck and dragging my closer. I pushed him away "No, get off me" I struggled to get free then Lyra had laughed at me "God your such a little prude, relax let Jake have a feel, it will help you get that stick out your arse" she cackled again leaning back to kiss the guy holding her."she's all yours boys" stumbling away and leaving me with them.

A rustling in the bushes had my body tensing up and with that came pain and I cried out a strangled gasp of agony.

I tried to move looking towards the edge of the road but in the dark I could see little, I could hear the rustling again and it sounded like it was moving away.

Lights suddenly flashed through the tree's, I tensed feeling the pain and then the sound of a vehicle coming this way. I froze were they coming back, I tried again to rise, I needed to get off the road, unsteadily I got to my feet just as I car rounded the bend heading right for me.

The screech of brakes and a rush of air told me the car had just missed me and as I heard raised voices I saw black dots and collapsed into dark silence.

I felt strong arms lift me carefully and a soft feminine voice ask questions, gentle hands ran carefully over me as I started to come to, panicking as I see my abusers faces looming through the darkness, I tried to move back, to get away falling back onto the road croaking""

"Hush Child, we won't hurt you" her soft voice came

My mind recognised she wasn't going to hurt me before my body did and I broke on a sob, crying "Help me please"

"What's you name" she asked gently taking my hand, crouching next to me in the pouring rain


"Eva, we need to get you out of the road and rain, can you stand"

"No, it hurts too much" I cried trying to do as she asked

"Stop Eva, I will ask Derek to lift you, now don't panic he won't hurt you, I promise" she stroked my hand, I nodded carefully and tried not to scream as I was lifted.

"Derek put her on the back seat", I was carried to the car and gasped at the shooting pain as I was placed in the back lying across the seats, feeling a soft blanket come to cover me, I succumbed to darkness once more.

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