Catching Our Girl

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1. Fate : Xavier

The meeting had been dragging on for over three hours and still we had not come to a deal. Tempers were beginning to fray and I could see Jax's getting angrier at the constant negatives to all the suggestions on the table.

"I think we should adjourn this meeting till tomorrow" I say, looking around the table and seeing the relief on everyone's faces at the suggestion.
"I agree with Xav, we are going over the same ground" Drake added, both of us looking towards Jax for confirmation.
"Gentlemen, I agree with my colleagues, that's it for today and we will set up another meeting this week, it will give us all a chance to review what's been discussed today and come up with some new solutions to move this deal forward" Jax said rising from the table to close the meeting.

Within minutes the handshakes were completed and the meeting room cleared, leaving just three frustrated men in the room.
"Well, what a pain, why is everything so damn difficult with this bloody deal" Drake asked, "I need to relax, we all need to relax" and I had to agree with him, we were all wound tight, trying to get everything in place for this deal.
I remembered one of our lawyers mentioning a new club maybe it would be a good way to end the evening. "There is a new club called Lair, Roger recommended it, we could give it a try, Drake's right we need to unwind, maybe we'll get lucky, to make up for all the crap that's coming out of this deal" I suggest.
"It worth a try" Jax mumbed grumpily "Let's go, the car is on its way round for us" and he led the way to the elevator.

I could see Jax reviewing the meeting in his head, it would take a lot to make him relax given how we were all worked up, over this deal, it was the last one in a set of acquisitions that would cement the company's future.
Maybe once it was complete we could focus on our other dream, our dream of finding one woman who could handle us all. Each time we had looked before we had been disappointed, our dream proving to be far more elusive than we hoped.
The ping signalled the doors opening and we moved as a unit out into the hotel foyer, the restaurant to our left looked busy with evening diners, clothing sparkling in the golden light of the chandeliers.

I watched as Jax scanned the room and then his misstep made me look again, his gaze on a beautiful woman head down and looking distressed as she rushed across the foyer. Without a word Jax increased his pace, putting himself directly into her path, what was he doing?
Crash, his arms instantly reached for her to keep her upright, slowly releasing her as she raised her watery gaze to his.

"Are you alright" he asked her "Miss?"
Her eyes widened flicking between Jax, Drake and I. "Oh god, I'm so sorry" she stuttered looking up, the sound of her voice, light and musical it reached deep into me, and I could see from the gleam in Jax eyes, he felt it too.
She took a step back and Jax repeated his question, as we waiting, wanting to know more, to know everything about her "Are you alright?" He asked again.

She looked down breaking eye contact and shook slightly "Yes no, actually I don't know, sorry" she mumbled softly.
Jax held out his hand to her "Why don't you join us, you look like you need cheering up and we need a guide, my name is Jax" I watched the blush tinge her cheeks as she stared up at him, her gaze flicking back to the restaurant as she fought to decide and I wondered what she was running from.

My gut tightened as she slowly raised her hand and put it in Jax's, And his smile grew as he pulled her closer and turned her to face us, seeing the questions in our eyes as he introduced us "This is Drake and Xavier" we nodded at her as Jax said our names.
Jax caught my eye and I had to ask him "Jax what are you doing?"
"Relax Xav" He grinned at me before he looked down at her "What's your name sweetie?"
"Lily" she whispered, and seemed as entranced with Jax as we were with her, leaning naturally into his side.
"Beautiful, well Lily what do you say, will you come with us and be our guide tonight, we promise to take good care of you" He asks still holding her to his side.

She looks back towards the restaurant and I could see her straightening, someone had upset her and she was torn. I growled under my breath wanting to protect her even though we had only just met, my gut telling me she was mine, no she was ours, Fate had brought her to us.

"I'll come with you" she looked into Jax's eyes again and I saw she too was feeling a connection though not understanding why, then with one last glance back at the restaurant we turned to leave.
"What do you want to see" she asked quietly
"Everything, but tonight we are going to a club, Lair, have you been before?" Jax tells her guiding her towards our waiting car, Drake and I following closely behind.

"LILY! What are you doing" a voice shouted behind us, we all turn to face a angry guy who is now stood by the car door watching her, I motion for the driver to start the car. If she wants away from this guy, we need to be ready.
"Taking a chance" Lily replies sliding deeper into the car
"LILY!" His shout is cut off with the closing of the door.
She sinks down into the seat and looks at us, her eyes raised to ours as she says, "Tonight that man, the man I thought was my forever, opened my eyes to the faults in my relationship, not ours but mine, all I want is to forget everything for one night, can you do that for me, no questions, no promises, just for tonight" she holds our gazes.

Does she know what she is doing, are we taking advantage, but it felt so right, she felt right and I didn't know how to walk away from her request.
"Do you know what you are asking for?" Jax asks her and she swallows before nodding, but I needed to be sure.
"Lily, we are a package deal, can you handle that, all of us?" She raises her eyes to each of us, and says the words we want to hear. "I'm sure"
We share a look and Drake answers us all "You are ours now" and we quietly close in on her, I stroke my hand up her thigh, as Drake twists his hand in her hair, tilting her head back to access her neck as Jax moved to the other side to claim her lips.
From her low moans and sighs our soft caresses made her feel special and she stayed happily in our arms returning our kisses until the car stopped and the door was opened for us to alight, we had arrived at Lair, a new club that was all the rage.

Moving toward the VIP entrance with her hands held by Drake and Jax, she looked a little overwhelmed by everything going on around her and I leaned in close to whisper in her ear. "Don't worry my love, just go with it" I grinned at the shiver that ran down her spine, she was so responsive and I couldn't wait to touch her more. I. The club we danced, we teased her and held her hands for hours until we made our way back to the car, her body reacting to every move we made, none of us had drunk much, just enough to keep her doubts at bay as we headed back to the hotel suite.

I took the lead at the hotel drawing her into my embrace and dropping my lips towards hers, "You are beautiful and you are ours, say it" i whisper lightly kissing along her jaw, "I'm waiting Lily" i pause just below her ear
"I'm yours, all yours" She breathes back at me, as Jax moves behind her and sweeps her hair away from her neck, pressing kisses along her nape, whist gently easing her zip down to allow the dress to finally pool at her feet. Our eyes fixed on her perfect form, our hands lifting to caress her body and then we were all lost in her.

We had found her and she was ours.

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