Kingswood Saga 3. Possessive - Always Theirs

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"Mom, I don't need a party" I shouted, frustrated that once again what I wanted was being overruled. a surprise party that I had just found out about.

"Come on sis, let them have this, we are their babies, leaving home for the first time" Logan teased from the doorway and I turned on him.
"You want this party?" I sat on the bed and looked at him, and he came in to join me.
"God yes, it gives me a chance to say goodbye to my friends and see everyone, hey, it will be okay" he pulls me into a hug and I sigh.
"How can we be so different" I moan softly and he laughs, bouncing off the bed and out of the room, calling behind him "Get ready and you can ride with me, unless you want to go with the parents"
"I don't want to go at all" I whine.
"Ten minutes Lil, or i'll take you as you are" he shouted back and I knew he would.

I reached for the dress mom had surprised me with when she broke the news of the party, the flowing skater style, hugging my curves and leaving my legs exposed. I grabbed a pair of flat shoes, ignoring the heels she had left for me, I wanted to be comfortable and heels and I disagreed. Hell, I was short and the family knew it, so why try to be taller and be uncomfortable.

I could hear mom and dad in the office as I came down the stairs, talking about work and smiled I would miss this, when I left next week, and Logan though this term was a short one, it would be the first time we had lived apart, ever.

Mom saw me first and smiled "Lily you look beautiful" she cried and rushed over to hug me, dad following her slowly and unwrapping her arms to get to me himself. "She's right Lil, our little girl is growing up" I hug them back until mom shouts at Logan for sliding down the banister causing us all to laugh.

"Come on sis, let go" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me out behind him, bypassing my little car to get to his Range Rover. Mom and Dad calling they would catch us up and warning Logan to drive safely.

Aunt Teddy was hosting the party and the house was already full of family and friends when we arrived, I greeted our older cousins Paris and Geneva and spent some time listening to Geneva's tales of uni dorms, with Paris butting in to reassure me it wasn't that bad. Logan had disappeared off with his friends and Rio and Rome, our younger cousins to the games room, his friends all calling hello but keeping their distance from us females.

Eventually I had worked my way around the room, slightly embarrassed at all the well wish's and I wanted some peace, slipping out the French doors into the garden, using the moonlight to help me find a bench to relax on.

It was there that Hunter and Maxwell found me, my cousins at six years older than me, they were a constant in my life, frequently teasing me and acting as over protective brothers, scaring away any boys that showed a remote interest in me and lecturing me when I did something they disapproved of. Which seem to be a lot of things, I grumbled to mom and dad about it but they had just laughed and said they did it to their sisters Paris and Geneva as well, and I had watched and they were right, they did but not as much as they tried to manage me.

I watched them stand over me and was shocked when Max pulled me up into his arms kissing me, I thought he had been teasing when he said he wanted a kiss as a leaving present but now with his mouth on mine, I could only feel him, wrapped around me and stealing my senses. I knew the warm body behind me was Hunter and shivered in reaction to their closeness, Max had pulled back and I stared up at him as he grinned down at me before turning me to face Hunter, my eyes widening as he too claimed my mouth, his tongue brushing my lips and seeking entry. I lost myself in the heat of the moment and the feel of them against me, till the moment was shattered by loud laughter filtering through the window.

I pulled back realising what I had done, what they had done, but in the shadows I couldn't see their expressions, so I ran, not feeling safe till I was at mom's side, in the middle of the crowded room.

I managed to avoid them for the rest of the evening and knew Logan had caught on that I wasn't happy with them, I saw him having a word with them later but he didn't say anything to me, nor I to him. What happened had shocked me and now my emotions were scattered. I had never thought of them that way, not really. I knew they were good looking and attracted lots of female interest but to me they had just been bossy big brothers.

That night back in my room I lay in bed for ages, waiting for sleep to claim me, reliving the kisses over and over again, and then they followed me into my dreams.

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