Back at Their Side

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Chapter One - Warnings

'Tara, I'm waiting to bring you home' the voice taunted sounding closer in the dark, I spun round searching for his face, nothing but blackness, a deep laugh 'are you ready' it asked, I turned and ran, no no no He wasn't here, it was just a voice, he didn't know, I ran on through the trees which grabbed at my clothes, tripping on a root, I fell and gasped as a snap sounded behind me' I jolted awake my heart beating fast and trembled, awake now I felt nervous and unsettled,

I had to go through with today, it was my step-sisters wedding, and although there was no real closeness between us, not to go would cause tongues to wag in our home community, however to go could put me into a vulnerable position, I knew i would be cutting it fine by flying myself in but it was the safest way. He would never know I was back, I mentally slapped myself, I was being silly, he had probably forgotten all about me anyway.

Dragging myself out of bed I hurried to get ready, packing a change of clothes to take with me, I made my way through the cottage to the rear garden where my transport waited.

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