Kingswood Saga 4. Possessive - Her Protectors

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1. Amalie

I woke up to my door banging open, my body shaking and covered in a sheen of sweat as the nightmare retreated and I flinched as arms pulled me close before the scent of my dad filtered into my mind and I relaxed sobbing quietly, I knew I had been screaming, I could feel the rawness in my throat.

"Ama, what is it baby, tell me" Dad Knox soothed, rocking me in his arms as I held him tight. I could hear Dada Kier directing my siblings back to bed and knew Mom and Papa Kade, were in the room with us, silently watching, worrying.

"I'm sorry" I cried "I'm sorry" I repeated over and over, curling up into his arms as he continued to rock me gently.
"Hush baby, its okay, we've got you" I could hear the emotion in Dad Knox's voice as he held me and felt bad, that I had made them worry, that I didn't know how to talk to them, to tell them what was, what had happened to me.

"Ama, baby, how can we help you" Mom's voice came from my side and I felt her hold my hand, but I couldn't turn to her, I knew I would break down if I did.
"August, leave it till morning, Kade take her back to bed, I'll stay with Ama" Dad Knox said and I felt a gentle squeeze of my hand as mom moved away, taking Papa Kade with her and closing the door behind them.

Dad held me tight as he lifted me up, before laying us both down, his arms still holding me safe, as he pulled up the cover. I knew he wanted to ask questions and I tensed as I waited for them but he just held me before saying, "This can't go on baby, tomorrow, we will need to talk about it, since you came back from the nationals, you have been hiding something from us and now its hurting you and I won't stay in the dark any longer, you need to share with us what's hurting you" He kissed my head and whispered "Sleep now"

By the time I woke it was mid morning, the house was quiet, too quiet and I knew that meant my time had run out. I groaned and rolled out of bed, heading for the shower and taking my time dressing, because I knew as soon as I stepped outside my room, my parents would stage their intervention.

From the silence I suspected they had packed off all my siblings, probably to our Great Uncles, that was a little relief, my older brothers could be even worse that the dads when they were on the hunt for information.

"Amalie. I know you're up" Papa Kade knocked on my door and I opened it, looking up at him from tired eyes.
"Come on little one, let's get this done" he says softly, pulling me into a hug before towing me downstairs and towards the study, where the rest of my parents were waiting.

Most of the time having a big close family was wonderful, I had three dads, brothers who had fallen in love with one woman - my mom, then she had my older brothers Talon, Noah and Elijah, triplets, then I had come along, then she had twin boys Blake and Simon. I was outnumbered in a family full of males.

Mom was sat holding Dada Kier's hand while Dad Knox sat behind the desk, I hesitated in the doorway, biting my lip, till Papa Kade gave me a little push inside.

"Sit down Amalie" Dad said and I curled myself into the chair opposite his desk, I saw them exchange looks and knew that they were cataloging every move I made, and if this hadn't been me I would have been amused watching them work.

Then they cheated...
Mom got up and came to kneel in front of me taking my hands in hers, her eyes searching mine and I could already feel myself getting ready to spill my secrets. "Baby girl, won't you tell us what's wrong?" she asked softly and I felt my eyes water.

"Mom..." I gasped, then "mommy" I cried and she pulled me into her arms as I broke down in tears. staying sat on the floor by the chair she held me as I fell apart, her soothing words gradually calming me down, and I started to speak.

"It was the last night of the competition, my matches were all over, there were a couple of mens games still to be played, but a bunch of us went out for something to eat early. I didn't tell Lucy, because I wanted to go and I know she would have said no. it was my own fault, I put myself in a vulnerable position." I took a deep breath, my eyes focussed on my hands in my lap.

"When the games all finished the rest of the guys joined us and suddenly, we were off to a club, I told Niki that I would call a cab back to the hotel but she persuaded me to come along, said she would keep an eye on me... I shouldn't have listened to her"

"In the club, she met some boy and disappeared, leaving me with the others, then someone gave me a glass of drink and i... I drank it, I was stupid, even as I drank it, I knew the risk, knew better than to accept an open drink, but I wanted to fit in"

I sat in silence, not knowing how to continue but needed to tell them the rest. "I remember feeling woozy after the drink and someone talking to me, a journey by car and male laughter, I remember feeling panic and trying to fight... then nothing. My alarm woke me the next morning, I had a raging head ache and my body ache...ed, there..." I fought my panicked breath's.

"Oh Baby" Mom soothed me as the tears came again but I pushed on.
"There was blood, on the sheets and bruises on my body, my clothes were in a heap on the floor. I don't know who...who was with me, who did it. But I know its my fault, I shouldn't have gone, I should have known better" I cry.
"Baby it's not your fault, never, never say that" Mom cried holding me tight as we both sobbed.

I felt myself being lifted and held and see Papa Kade do the same to Mom, taking her to sit in the chair, as Dada Kier held me in his arms on the sofa, rocking me gently.

"Ama, did you tell anyone?" Dad Knox asked carefully and I shook my head, looking down as Dada Kier asked me "Why not"
"I was ashamed and what could I say, I didn't know who did it, I was scared, I was so so stupid. Lucy asked me what was wrong, but I couldn't tell her, I just couldn't say it, it made it... real" I whispered.

"Is this what the nightmares are about?" Papa Kade asks and I nod my reply.
"It hazy, just impressions of people and touch and pain" I tell them. "its as if my subconscious knows something and wants to tell me but I don't want to see it, I don't want to remember, I just want to forget, but i'm so tired and I can't fight the memories" I sob.

"Okay baby, no more now" dada said, lifting me into his arms, like I was still a little girl. "I will give you something to help you sleep, to help your mind rest" he promises and I feel their love, as one by one, my parents kiss my head and dada Kier takes me back to my room, leaving for a few moments before returning with a couple of pills and a bottle of water.

"I will sit with you, till you're asleep" he tells me, kissing the top of my head and holding my hand as I slip into a deep and dreamless sleep.

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