The Blackwood Brothers - MIne, Mine, Mine

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Chapter One : Oslo

The rumble of the school bus, pulling to a stop outside sounded abnormally loud through my open window, but I knew it was because I was waiting to hear it. I could feel my anticipation grow as I rolled myself off the bed and looked out, eyes fixed on the bus as the doors opened but she didn't appear.

I waited till the bus pulled away before a flutter of panic hit me, she always caught the bus on a Friday, always... was she ill, had something happened.

Grabbing my jacket off the back of the chair I headed downstairs, Mom was singing off key in the kitchen as she baked and I snatched a cookie as I rushed past.

"Oslo!" she shouted not turning round, "They're for Salem, leave them alone"

I skidded to a halt, turning back to the kitchen, the warm cookie already half eaten "Mom, why are you baking cookies for Em?" I asked as casually as I could with my mouth full.

"She's doing a charity bake sale for the community kids football team, they need new uniforms and she wants to help them raise the money" she explains and I shake my head in wonder, I could have just given her the money if she had told me. My hand reaches for another cookie and Mom smacks it with the wooden spoon. "Hands off , and no, before you offer she won't take the money from us, any of us, she wants to help the kids do it. She says they need to know how to do it for themselves"

"When is the sale?" I ask, wondering how could I get involved and help her.

"Tomorrow, i'm surprised you didn't know about it, Denver is with her now getting the pavilion set up, I know she asked him if you could all help" Mom adds and I hide the scowl on my face, knowing that my brother had deliberately not told me, I wondered if Phoenix knew.

"Wheres Nix?"

"I don't know, he popped next door a little while ago and I haven't seen him since" she told me, going back to her baking as I growled under my breath, id bet money Nix was with her now.

"Thanks Mom, i'm going to see if she needs anymore help" I call as I rush out the door, noticing that Nix's car is also gone, I knew I was right.

As I drove I thought of how I was going to kill Denver, though Nix might get to him first, all the better for me as I can focus on Salem. Over the last six months we had all noticed a shift in our reactions to her, the little girl next door who had been our shadow for the last ten years, our faux little sister had morphed into a beautiful flower, soft, petite, delicate and totally oblivious of her impact on the males around her, including me and my brothers. We had all decided we wanted her to be ours but she hadn't noticed our interest, carrying on as if nothing had changed, but it had.

Our bodies reacted when she was near and more than once I had had to leave her presence to take a cold shower, my brothers laughing at me till they had to do the same, and now we were in a competition to see who would win her and I wanted it to be me.

Both my brothers cars were parked outside the sports pavilion along with a couple of others, I recognised the junior team coaches car and grinned slightly, with old burger breath here, my brothers won't be able to flirt with my girl and I was grinning when I walked into the building, hissing at the sight that greeted me. Salem up a ladder tying bunting to a beam as a guy I didn't know held the bottom steady for her as he looked up her skirt, his hand, holding her skirt open against the ladder sides as he looked.

"What the hell!" I snapped out making him jump guiltily and Salem squeal as the ladder moved with him. He backed away as I raced forward and steadied the ladder pinning him with a glare as Salem came back down to the ground.

"Damn it Os, you scared the life out of me, what were you yelling for?" she muttered trying to scowl at me, but on her it just looked adorable.

"Douch here was looking up your skirt" I grumbled, pulling Salem into my side, "Where are Nix and Den, I thought they were helping you?"

"They've gone with Coach Brahms to get more tables and chairs from the school in Aidens truck" she peered up at me, trying to wriggle out of my side.

"And why didn't Aiden help?" I questioned harshly, turning a glare on him.

"Oh, he has a back injury from training and he's new so he doesn't know where everything is stored yet, so it made sense to stay with me" Salem explained as I watched the guilty flush on Aiden's face as I saw through him.

I turned back to Salem and lifted her chin up so I could see in her eyes, so she would know I was telling the truth.

"Em, he's not here to help anyone but himself, he's here for you and he was looking up your skirt, so unless you tell me you said he could look, I am going to take Aiden outside for a quick chat". I could see the nerves and fear as well as the recognition of what I had said on her face and I waited for her response.

"What the hell man, who do you think you are!" Aiden snapped out, sounding slightly panicked.

"So Em, did you say he could look" I pushed for an answer and she looked down before shaking her head and whispering "No"

"No more ladders, especially if you are in a skirt" I told her with a small smile and she gazed back up at me shyly as she nodded.

I turned back to Aiden and glared at him again "Outside!" he stepped back and turned as if to run, but the door opened and coach and my brothers came in carrying chairs.

"Whats going on?" Nix asked stepping forward his eyes darting between Salem and the nervous Aiden and me.

I held up a hand for him to wait as I turned back to Salem, "Em help coach unload everything from Aiden's truck, while we have a word, then he'll be leaving" I told her and watched as she flushed before nodding, glancing between us all and rushing out, coach following her as Nix and Den stood watching.

"Shut the door Nix" I instructed and Aiden started to look around for escape.

"What going on Os, what happened?" Nix questioned as Denver stood silently watching.

"When I got here Salem was up a ladder and douche boy here was looking up her skirt" I told them as Aiden started to object behind me, saying I was wrong and had made it up, it was all harmless fun.

I smiled as he dug himself into a hole, as if expecting us to join in with his jock mentality and think she was fair game.

Den strode forward and grabbed Aiden by the neck, pushing him back until he was pinned to the wall. "If you ever go near her again, even think about touching her, you will wish you had never been born. She's way out of your league, so stay away" he growls and Aidens face reddens as Den squeezes his neck.

"Do you understand?" Den grates and Aiden gasps and nods within his hold. "Good, now get out of here and don't come back" Den releases him and steps back and we all watch as he rushes to the door and out, passing coach and Salem without looking their way, his truck squealing out seconds later.

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