1. Day in Hell

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-Dante Gray-

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-Dante Gray-

Another day in Hell...

I couldn't stop my body from flinching when the sharp sound of a massive, metallic door echoed in the hallway as another cell was closed somewhere close by. I looked away when they dragged one of my neighbors past my bars. She was whimpering quietly, begging for them to leave her alone, unable to stand up on her feet. She was once a proud vampire, a fierce fighter, a killer.

"No...!" Her strengthless cry was muffled by another closed door, and silence fell in the hallway.

This place changed us all, turning everyone into broken, empty shells of what we used to be.

And they called us monsters.

I slept as much as I could, sitting in the darkest corner of my cell, snapping awake from the tiniest sounds. Part of me wished for death so I wouldn't need to walk down that hallway behind bars ever again – even a werewolf such as me had learned to fear the door at the end of it. The other part of me, however...

"Rise and shine, mutt!"

I jerked awake at the sound of a loud bang. I looked up to see a set of dark, mean eyes smiling down at me. Killian. My handler.

I would not die without sinking my claws into his heart first.

He was leaning against the bars, chewing on bubblegum. His obnoxious smile made my blood boil, and I couldn't wait to rip his smug face off. He was taking his sweet time before moving to the door, and when he finally did so, he kept his eyes on me, making sure I saw him reaching for his taser.

"Are we playing nice today?" he asked, opening the lock on my door. I didn't reply to him, so he grabbed the thick chain – my leash – from the hook just outside my cell and stepped in. "Get up."

It didn't matter if I obeyed him or not. Everything in this place meant pain. My entire body was screaming for me to stop moving when I got up from the cold floor. It wasn't easy with my hands already tied behind my back, but I did it. Another man showed up behind Killian, and together they stepped towards me, their tasers ready, neither of them caring that I was staying perfectly still. I was so exhausted I didn't even think about fighting back, not even when Killian jammed his taser between my ribs, forcing me back down on my knees for the fun of it.

"Who's a good boy?" he chuckled, securing the leash on the iron collar I was wearing. He yanked on the chain hard,  making me get back on my feet. This sadistic bastard... "Let's go for a walk!"

I was so incredibly weak, but I could still walk somehow. I stepped out of my cell to the hallway where everything was made of sturdy iron. My stomach turned upside down at the sight of the door at the end of the holding area, but I followed Killian, passing by a dozen other cells. The monsters behind bars kept their heads down, hoping this wasn't the day when their handlers came to pick them up.

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