Angel Blades and Wings

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Castiel was sitting in the field, waiting anxiously for Dean. He hadn't met any other humans yet, and he figured that should have bothered him more than it did. He had thought he wanted to go to Earth so badly because there was something he was looking for. Because there was something out there that he really wanted to find, something he just wasn't aware of yet. If there was some mysterious thing calling for him however, it must have been something Dean had, because Castiel had no urge to find anyone else to talk to. He also was unsure of talking to anyone else, especially since Gabriel had told him about the prophecy. There was no way Castiel was going to destroy his home or the brothers and sisters he loved so much. So he was going to stay away from humans. Other than Dean, of course. He couldn't just let his only friend go over something so silly. And it wasn't like he was going to fall in love with Dean Winchester, the hunter. The idea was honestly funny to Castiel.

"What are you smiling about?" Dean asked as he walked into the field from the woods. He was wearing a green plaid shirt over a white T-shirt and Castiel couldn't help but notice how it brought out the green of his eyes. Castiel thought about Dean's question and realized that apparently he was smiling. He hadn't noticed that he had started....why was he smiling? Oh yes, how funny it was to think of him falling in love with Dean Winchester. Not that he was going to say that to the hunter.

"Nothing," he said, staring at Dean. Yesterday at their daily meeting, which was now later since Dean had started school, Dean had told him he had an idea. "What are you planning, Dean?"

"Well, I'm a hunter, right?" Dean said. Castiel nodded. "Okay, so I know how to fight, but I can't kill demons easily. You don't know how to fight, but you can kill demons. You follow me?" Dean asked. Castiel cocked his head to one side, much like a puppy. Dean raised an eyebrow at the young angel.

"Where am I following you?" he asked, confused. Dean tried and failed to hide his amusement. Castiel glared at him, but only succeeded at making Dean laugh harder.

"I'm sorry, Cas. Really, I'm sorry. You're just so...." Dean trailed off, as he suddenly stopped laughing. Castiel was taken aback by the sudden shift in mood. Dean's gaze shifted toward the horizon like it often did when he was uncomfortable, almost like he was tempted to see if he could ever reach the edge of it. "You're a funny guy, Cas," Dean gave him a halfhearted smile before he shook his head. "And I mean do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"Oh, yes. That you will train me, so I can kill the demons who want to kill Sam," Castiel said. Dean nodded at the trench coat wearing angel.

"You're a smart kid, Cas," Dean said. He pulled out a dagger, which made Castiel scoff. He pulled out his own angel blade and held it out to Dean. "Wow. So this is the only thing that can be used to kill an angel?"

"Yes, Dean. It's very dangerous," he said seriously as Dean's eyes glinted with childish excitement. He wasn't entirely sure why Dean found such scary things exciting, but it was almost endearing. Almost.

"Gotcha, Cas. So I'm not allowed to use it on your brothers?" Dean joked. Castiel had told him a bit about Gabriel and Lucifer, and the hunter had already decided he didn't like them.

"No Dean, you cannot stab my brothers," Castiel said, deepening his glare at Dean. He contemplated whether he should tell Dean about the prophecy. It would help explain why his brothers didn't want him talking to humans, and it would make Dean like the older angels more. Not that that really mattered. It shouldn't matter if Dean liked his family, right? "Gabriel told me yesterday why we fled from Heaven." Dean looked up from the angel blade curiously. Castiel clenched his jaw as he found himself under Dean's crystal green gaze.

"Talk to me," Dean said. And even though he knew he shouldn't, Castiel told Dean everything. He explained how the angels had closed off Heaven after the prophecy, and that with the demons trying to raise Crowley, his brothers and sisters had decided they needed to return to Heaven. Of course, in order to do that, they had decided to remove the threat, a.k.a Castiel.

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