Catfight and Truth or Dare

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Castiel looked up from his spot on the couch to see Charlie, Benny and Kevin walk into the house. Dean glanced over at Michael who gave Dean a questioning look. Charlie glared at Castiel until she noticed the bruises on his face.

"Jesus, what happened to your face, Cas?" She asked. Castiel blinked at Dean, hoping his friend (was that even the right word to use for what the were?) would help him out. Dean just looked back at him helplessly.

"Umm..hi. Who are you?" Michael asked. He still hadn't managed to untangle himself from Lucifer completely, and as soon as Charlie saw the two her eyes lit up with fangirl excitement. Castiel could only imagine what was coming for his eldest brother and Michael.

"Oh. My. Chuck. You guys are so cute!" Charlie said, and Michael automatically turned bright red. Lucifer just wrapped his arm tighter around his lover. "I'm Charlie, this is Benny and that's Kevin." Benny was still standing by Charlie, but Kevin had already sat down next to Sam and Gabriel and was talking about what he had missed at school. Castiel was half-interested to know what he had missed since he was also in Kevin's grade, but he was more interested in Charlie harassing Lucifer and Michael.

"Well, I'm Michael, Dean and Sam's uncle. This is..." Michael trailed off as he looked at the archangel. "Lucius, Gabriel and Castiel's older brother."

"Hi," Lucifer said, waving at the teens. "Make yourselves at home. We were just going to get some pizza and watch movies, don't see the point in you guys not joining us."

"Well, we've got a project...." Kevin started. Benny shot him a glare and Kevin shut his mouth, huffing through his nose.

"Oh, and who's this?" Charlie said, turning to Gabriel. As she looked over the short archangel, she seemed to notice something Castiel hadn't noticed until that moment. His older brother was wearing one of Sam's shirts, and it was clear he also realized what was going on in her head.

"Hiya, Charlie. The name's Gabriel," he said, offering a hand. He seemed as cool and confident as usual. Sam on the other hand looked like he wanted to crawl inside his own shirt and die.

"Hi, Gabriel. So you're the friend of Sam's, right?" she asked.

"Yup. Oh, and Castiel is my baby bro. So is Alfie," Gabriel said, bringing the forgotten angel back into the conversation. It was a good thing that Alfie seemed to occupied cuddling with Adam in one of the armchairs to notice he had been forgotten. Charlie looked over at Alfie and she again looked like she wanted to die from all the fangirling she could do. Gabriel grinned triumphantly, realizing he had easily deflected her interest in him.

Charlie looked like she was about to launch into harassing Adam when she stopped and turned around to look at Dean. He had been standing by the couch for the majority of this, but had recently settled back into the couch by Castiel's side. He didn't wrap his arm around the angel this time, but Castiel was leaning against him slightly, if for nothing more than comfort. He was still in a lot of pain, and being close to Dean seemed to actually make him feel better. Which was probably just in his head, but it didn't matter to Castiel why it worked.

"You slept with Lisa!?!?!" Charlie suddenly howled at Dean, who practically jumped off the couch he was so freaked out.

"What the hell?" Gabriel said from the other couch. He was clearly going to say more, until Sam pinched his arm.

"I didn't sleep with Lisa," Dean huffed, even though he was looking at Castiel when he said it. Almost as if he was worried Castiel might believe it. The angel gave him a reassuring smile to show he believed him and Dean's face filled with relief.

"That's not what she's saying. Everyone's talking about it, Dean," Charlie said, and Dean sighed.

"Well, that's not what happened. I mean, we sort of, well, made out or whatever, but we didn't go any farther than that. Trust me, I left after..." Dean started. Charlie was most definitely about to ask after what when there was another knock on the door. Dean was about to get up and get it, but Michael took the opportunity to escape Lucifer's cage and climbed out of the angel's arms. He opened the door and three more people walked in. Meg walked in with a deep scowl, looking like she wanted to kill someone. The next person through the door Castiel didn't recognize, but automatically realized was a demon. His hand went for the angel blade hidden underneath a pillow but Lucifer shot him a look.

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