Hospitals and Hotel Rooms

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Lucifer brought Samandriel to the diner, leaving him in the car, largely because he didn't quite know where else to bring the young angel. He sat down at the bar so he could get some coffee, running his hands through his hair and waiting for Gabriel to show up. He wasn't expecting him to show up anytime soon after the other angels had killed Balthazar. Lucifer sighed. He wish he would have gotten there just a little bit sooner....

"Hey, Lucius!" Rufus said as he walked into the diner. Lucifer looked up at Rufus. "You know, Adam can take visitors at the hospital now, and he's been asking to see you." Lucifer blinked at Rufus. Adam? Who was Adam? Duh. The tree accident victim. 

"Yeah," Lucifer said. "I...I'll go over there now. See you," Lucifer stood up and left the diner without getting his coffee. He wasn't entirely sure what was wrong with his head, but he just couldn't get his thoughts straight. It was like he was in a dream...

"Hey, you aren't looking so good there, Luce," Michael said. Lucifer turned around to see the hunter leaning against his car. When Michael saw Lucifer's face his smirk grew into a look of concern. "Hey, are you okay? what's going on?" Michael grabbed Lucifer's shoulder at the same time as the archangel sagged against the Impala. "What is it, Luce?" 

"Nothing...I just..." Lucifer trailed off. He had explained the situation to Michael a couple nights ago. In fact, every day since Lucifer had first woken up in that devil's trap he had stayed up talking with the hunter. He had told him about his fall from Heaven, about how God wouldn't listen to his questions, about Gabriel and Castiel and the other angels. There wasn't a single thing he hadn't told the hunter. And there, looking in the hunter's eyes, Lucifer had no idea why he had told him anything at all. But he did. "Hannah killed one of my brothers. A good angel, he was..." Lucifer trailed off and Michael squeezed his shoulder. 

"I'm so sorry, Luce," Michael said.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't matter now. I'm going to the hospital, apparently Adam has been asking to see me," Lucifer said. Michael didn't turn away his green eyes. 

"I'll come with you. You can ride with me," Michael said softly. 

"No, I've got a fledgling in the back of my car," Lucifer said. Michael raised an eyebrow at him. "Dude, I wish I was joking. I'll meet you there." Lucifer walked back into his car to find Samandriel crying in the back of his car. Lucifer wasn't exactly the comforting type, so he let the young angel cry out his feelings. The drive to the hospital was long and painfully quiet. Samandriel stopped crying at some point and Lucifer was caught up in his own thoughts. He had liked Balthazar. He was a good guy, and as far as he knew from Gabriel, he had done his best to keep Hannah from hurting Castiel. Good angels were rare to come by. Worse however, was that he knew Gabriel was going to be affected horribly by it. Gabriel, unlike the other archangels, had too big of a heart. He cared too deeply, and Lucifer knew that it would be the younger archangels downfall. 

Lucifer pulled up to the hospital and climbed out, Samandriel following behind him. He easily found Adam's room and walked in after getting an okay from a nurse. Adam was grumbling about the tubes and the wires to a nurse who was trying to check up on him, all the while cursing about the sucky TV channels. 

"Hiya, Adam," Lucifer said as he walked in. The nurse glared at Lucifer as she walked by, clearly already irritated with Adam. Unfortunately, before Adam could say anything, Samandriel crossed the room and sat down on the bed. 

"Are all humans this beautiful?" Samandriel said, touching the injured boy's face. 

"Umm....hi," Adam said. He glanced down at the name tag on the young angel's uniform. "Alfie. Yeah, why are you touching me?" Adam asked. 

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