Goodbyes and Revenge Plots

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Sam was sitting at the table, staring at Dean and Michael. Both were giving him the classic We're-Winchesters-and-we-have-no-feelings look. Sam could feel the angel building up in his chest, his vision blurred with tears, the knot in his stomach tightening. 

"Wait, we're going to actually listen to these angels? To the ones who tried to kill Castiel, and Lucifer, and Gabriel? The angels who used Alfie as bait? We're trusting them?" Sam said, his voice way louder than he had planned on it being. 

"Look, Sam, I know you're upset..." Michael started. 

"Yes, I'm upset! I can't believe you think..." Sam interrupted. 

"Gabe said he thinks they're telling the truth. He trusts that they'll keep you safe and it'll be safer for Cas," Dean said, his voice gruff. Sam practically sunk in on himself. Gabe knew about this? The archangel still hadn't returned from his shift, but there was no way he agreed to this. 

"Shut up, Dean. Just shut up," Sam said, standing up. Dean looked like he was going to say something else, but Michael grabbed his arm. Sam ran up the stairs and slammed the door to his room, sinking back against it as he fought off tears. He couldn't believe this. They were seriously going to give up everything they had built here, their first actually normal home for this deal? Sam stayed there on the floor for chuck only knows how long until he heard a knock on the door. 

"Go away Dean," Sam said through the door. 

"It's me, kiddo," Gabriel said quietly and Sam could imagine him leaning up against the door in his stupid green apron that Chuck forced him to wear, brushing his golden hair out of his eyes...Sam found himself once again fighting off tears. "Let me in, Sam." Sam figured it was probably the shock of hearing Gabe use his first name that compelled him to open the door and let the angel in. Automatically the archangel grabbed Sam's shoulders and pushed his forehead against Sam's. 

Up until that point, Sam had managed to keep the crying to a minimum. But then he all but lost it, sobbing into Gabriel's shoulder. Which was a horrible angle, considering their height difference and Gabe moved them toward the bed, where Sam sobbed into his shirt. Gabriel didn't say anything, instead running his fingers through the taller boy's hair. 

"Dean said you said the angels were telling the truth," Sam said when he managed to stop crying as badly. Gabriel sighed deeply. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry Samoose. They probably are. I told him I didn't want you to go though," Gabriel said. "I don't want to lose you." 

"I don't have to go..." Sam started. Gabriel grabbed his chin and pulled him into a kiss. 

"Yes, you do, Sam. Dean isn't going to let you stay. I'm sorry, but trust me, this isn't over. I'll find a way to fix that. Get rid of the demons, the angels, hell, I'll do whatever I need to so I can get back to you," Gabriel said. Sam rubbed at his eyes, suddenly embarrassed he had been such a mess. "And that's a promise." Sam didn't respond, instead he kissed the archangel's lips and cursed himself when he started crying again. Gabriel kissed him back, until their kiss was interrupted by Sam yawning. 

"You're tired, Samsquatch. Get some sleep," Gabriel said softly. 

"Stay with me," Sam said, and Gabriel nodded. Sam cuddled into the archangel's chest as they lay on the bed, curling himself up so his ridiculously long limbs didn't dangle off the bed. Gabriel's breath in his hair and wings curled around him was enough to put Sam to sleep almost instantly. 

Lucifer was sitting on the bed, staring at Michael who hovered by the door. The hunter had his arms crossed over his chest, his green eyes staring vacantly at the floor as he leaned against the door frame. Lucifer was trying to take in everything about him. He wanted to memorize his hair, his eyes, his lips, his body. He wanted to remember everything, because Chuck only knew how long it would be before he would see the hunter again. His hunter again. 

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