The Snake and Adam

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It had been a week since the Novaks, the last name the angels were now going by, and Sam had started school. Dean liked having his brother around at school, and Sam seemed to be enjoying it as well. More than that however, he liked having Cas around. They weren't in any of the same classes, obviously, since Cas was in Sam's grade and in advanced classes. Sometimes Sam and Cas, who were in basically all the same classes, would do homework, and Dean would pretend like he wasn't eavesdropping. Dean was glad he at least had the same lunch as his best friend, but often Cas wouldn't even show up. He would see him with Meg sometimes, which was good. Meg was cool, and Cas needed good friends...Dean ignored the pain in his chest as he thought about them. 

Lisssasnake: Hey, Dean ;)

DeanWinchester: Hey, Lisa :) We still good for today? 

It was after school and he had sort of promised Lisa he'd take her out to dinner if he outscored her in Math, considering he was absolutely terrible and she was one of the top students in the class. He had still gotten a D, but somehow she managed to fail worse than him, so now he was going to take her out to dinner. 

Lisssasnake: Of course, Dean. I can't wait. 

Dean responded with a smiley face and then rolled off the bed. He walked into the living room where Sam and Cas were working on some science project. Sam looked up at him and then wrinkled up his nose. 

"Are you wearing cologne?" Sam asked, looking at his brother incredulously. 

"Yeah, I lost a bet to Lisa, and now I have to take her out to dinner," Dean explained. The rules of the bet didn't include anything about cologne, but hey, Lisa was hot. And if things went down the way he hoped they would...

"Fine, but you smell like a jerk," Sam said, glaring at Dean. Sheesh, what had he done to upset Sam? Cas's phone buzzed and he checked it. Dean could see that it was Meg from over Cas's shoulder. He rolled his eyes, and Sam's bitch face turned even deadlier. 

"Why don't you just ask her out already?" Dean said. Cas looked up at him for the first time since Dean had walked into the room, and there was definitely something weird about the look Cas was giving him. 

"Who?" Cas asked. Dean gestured at the angel's phone. "Meg? I'm not interested in Meg, and she has no romantic interest in me." Cas turned back to the project and started to work on it. So apparently the angel was mad at him too. He really had to watch what he was saying, since apparently he had managed to offend everyone in the house. He was about to leave to go get Lisa when the door flew open. 

"I'm going to FUCKING murder someone," someone practically screamed as they walked in the room. All of them looked up in shock when they realized who it was. If it had been Lucifer, no one would have been surprised. If it would have been Michael, they would have run for cover, but also wouldn't have been surprised. No one expected Alfie, the youngest angel, the one who was the calmest out of the entire group to walk in, screaming and cussing. "Where's my angel blade?!?!?" Alfie yelled, searching through the pile of coats on the table.

"What is it, Samandriel? What's happened?" Cas said, standing and grabbing his brother's shoulder. He was also the only one who called the angel by his real name apparently. Alfie squirmed for a second, like he was trying to get out of Cas's grip, but then he deflated like a balloon. 

"It's Adam," Alfie said softly. 

"Who the hell is yelling?" Lucifer said, walking downstairs, Michael behind him. If the situation would have been different, Dean would have laughed as Lucifer realized he was putting on Michael's shirt and switched him. 

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