Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches and Scary Satan

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Gabriel was tired. He was, of course, glad to be home. He was glad Cassie was alright and out of the hospital. He was so, so incredibly glad the Winchesters were back.

He was not glad John Winchester was sitting in his living room. Gabriel was perched on the arm of the couch, staring at the father of two of the best people he knew. He wondered how someone as wonderful and perfect as his moose could come from someone like this douchebag. It seemed unlikely, but was somehow true. John didn't look like he trusted a soul in the room, which was probably because none of them should have been trusted with him. Cassie was "asleep" again upstairs, and Dean was still with him. The likelihood that they were actually asleep was very slim, but Gabriel didn't want to think about what they might have been doing up there.

Sam was sitting with Bobby on the couch Gabriel was perched on, and the archangel was sort of bitter he had yet to get a moment alone with Sam. Chuck only knew how much he had missed the oversized, plaid wearing, long haired Winchester. Sam apparently felt the same because he kept sending longing looks in Gabriel's direction. The only one who didn't seem to give an ounce of care about John's presence was Michael, but the hunter seemed too tired to care about much of anything. He was currently asleep, curled up in Lucifer's lap. Gabriel's older brother hadn't stopped smiling since the Winchesters walked through the hospital door.

John clearly wasn't happy with how cuddly Michael was with Satan, but Gabriel wasn't about to let John say anything about it. If the hunter said anything about any of his brothers or their human counterparts, he was going to cut his throat and send him to hell where he belonged.

"Hey guys," Dean said, coming down the stairs. His clothes was messed up, and Gabriel didn't want to imagine what had just occurred upstairs. Least of all Dean with his little brother. Eww.

"How's Cassie feeling?" Gabriel asked. Dean sat down on one of the armchairs.

"Good. How are you guys?" Dean asked. Gabriel shrugged.

"Who the hell are you?" John finally asked, looking at the angels.

"I'm Gabriel," the archangel said. "As in the angel. That's Lucifer. Like Satan. Your brother and him are sort of...well, clearly that," he said, gesturing to the cuddling party on the other couch. "And the one upstairs is Castiel. He's an angel too. Apparently he's supposed to bring about the fall of Heaven because he falls in love with a human." Gabriel didn't bother mentioning who the human clearly was. If Dean felt like saying anything, he would.

"Cas and I are together," Dean said, staring at his dad blankly. So apparently he did feel like saying something.

"Together?" John asked, not speaking for a long second.

"Yeah. As in romantically," Dean said.

"Sexually too, according to Michael," Lucifer said with a grin. "You Winchesters are two for zero right now. It's up to Sam to finish off the pattern and just hook up with Gabriel already." Gabriel choked on the lollipop he had just put in his mouth and fell off the arm of the couch. Sam leaned over the side and raised an eyebrow at him.

"First I find out Dean slept with my baby brother, now Luci is harassing me about you..." Gabriel said, looking up at his moose. "It's been a rough day, Samsquatch." Sam leaned down with a smirk and pulled the lollipop out of the archangel's mouth and put it in his own. Then he smirked at Dean who looked horrified. Gabriel climbed back onto the arm of the chairs unsure if he should be confused, ashamed, or impressed by his friend...lover...guy thing. He wasn't exactly sure what Sam was. Other than a moose, obviously.

"What the fuck happened while I was gone?" John asked loudly. Lucifer scowled at him.

"Could you quiet down? My boyfriend is trying to sleep. And get over it. Sammy here is into guys and girls. Deano over there's into girls. And Cassie. Just Cassie, I guess. And Michael is obviously hella gay, so if you have a problem, you can leave. This is why I hate humans," Lucifer said. No one spoke after that. They hadn't expected Lucifer to respond with that much sass, but they shouldn't have underestimated a protective Satan. John sort of swallowed awkwardly, looking around the room anxiously again. Gabriel grinned at him, trying his best to put him as on edge as possible.

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