Eye sex and Choices

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It had been about two weeks since they had all hung out that first time, and Dean was feeling a lot better than he had back then. Of course, not much had changed. He hadn't talked to Lisa at school, although he had heard the rumors she was spreading about him. He also knew that those rumors had gotten to some of the more douchey guys, like Dick Roman. Who had just slammed his shoulder into Dean's in passing period and called him a couple swear words under his breath when he walked by. But Dean wasn't going to let that bother him. He had other things to worry about. He made his way to the cafeteria where all his friends were eating and laughing. He was really starting to like this new normal. There were some things he had been avoiding though. He still hadn't talked to Sam about Gabriel, mostly because he wasn't sure how he was supposed to approach the topic. Should he be the supportive older brother, or the protective hunter? He was caught between the two, but was starting to lean toward being supportive. After all, he hadn't seen Sammy this happy in forever.

"Hey, Cas," Dean said as he sat down next to his best friend.

"Hello Dean," Cas said in response, resting his chin in his hand. That was of course the other thing Dean had been avoiding. He hadn't talked about kissing Cas since he had first done it, and he definitely hadn't done it again.

If he was being honest, he wasn't entirely sure what his problem was. It wasn't like he could honestly deny his feelings for Castiel anymore. But between the prophecy, the fact that his dad was possessed by the thing that had killed his mother and that the same demons wanted to take Sammy for some sort of whacked out ritual...Dean wasn't entirely sure where to even start with the angel. It wasn't like Castiel had exactly brought it up either. But he did have this way of staring at Dean.

"Hey, you two," Charlie said, and Dean had to practically force his head to turn away from Castiel's unreal blue eyes. "Stop with your eye sex and help me out here."

"What are we helping you out with?" Meg asked, and everyone acted like they didn't notice her grabbing Kevin's hand under the table.

"I want to ask Gilda out, but I don't know how to behave like a human," Charlie said. Dean caught Castiel trying to stifle his laughter. Of course, Cas would find this funny. After all, Gilda was, legitimately, not human. "Don't laugh." Charlie clearly didn't see what was so funny, and glared at Dean and Castiel.

"Just ask her to go out with you," Cas said, rolling his eyes.

"But how? Show me," Charlie whined. Cas sighed heavily and Dean couldn't help but notice how the angel's brothers's constant sass seemed to be rubbing off on Castiel.

"I'm you, Dean is Gilda," Cas said. He grabbed Dean's shoulder with his hand, gentle but firm. Dean tried to keep his thoughts as clean as he could, considering the angel might be poking around inside his head, but Cas being controlling in anyway was a bit of a turn on. "Are you free on Friday?" Cas asked. Dean nodded his head, not trusting his voice to control itself. Cas had somehow slid closer to him, so Dean had to bend his neck to look at his face fully. "Okay, how about a movie, the two of us?" Cas asked. Chuck, when did Cas get so good at social interactions? Dean was so used to Castiel being an awkward angel, not a sort of sexy, normal teenage boy.

"Well, it's official. You two have a date on Friday," Charlie said, clapping her hands together. Dean looked at her.

"This was pretend," Cas said, and Dean tried to hide his hurt. Of course he knew it was pretend, but Cas didn't have to say it like that.

"Still, you asked him out," Charlie then shot a grin at Dean. "Now he just has to answer." Dean glared at her and then glanced awkwardly at the angel.

"Can we talk in private?" he asked the angel. Castiel nodded and then Dean pulled the angel into the bathroom. He had expected to talk to Cas about what they were. Or at least about how to promote a united front against Charlie's incessant fangirling. He had expected to at least talk. Instead he pushed Cas into the door and kissed him roughly. It was different from the first time they had kissed, gentle and smooth. This was rough, hungry. And Dean was surprised to feel Cas reciprocate just as hungrily.

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