Coffee and Family Dinner

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Lucifer walked back into his house, throwing his keys on the counter. It had been three weeks since Gabriel's meet-up with Hannah, and since then Lucifer had done his best to come home. He usually did, hung out with the younger archangel and the two fledglings until everyone had retired to their rooms, and then booked it out his window to meet Michael. Then in the morning he'd try to be home before anyone noticed he was gone. Unfortunately for him, he was failing miserably. He came home in the morning to find all of the angels staring at him. Gabriel was sipping what Lucifer assumed was hot cocoa out of a mug, Castiel's hair looked like he had just rolled out of bed (except it always looked like that), and Alfie was wearing clothing other than his Wiener Hut uniform. He was glad Adam had finally coaxed him to wear something else after a week.

"So....Luci. Have a fun night?" Gabriel asked, smirking at the older archangel.

"Shut up," Lucifer mumbled pouring himself some coffee. He didn't work that day, which is how he had made the mistake of staying out later than he meant too. He sat down with his mug at the table and glanced at the other angels. All of them seemed off in their own worlds. Which meant that all of them had something they were hiding from each other, Lucifer included. He was still bitter about the fact that he had to leave Michael in the motel room that morning, and he couldn't get the stupid hunter out of his mind.

"Okay, I'm just going to call us all out on our bullshit," Lucifer said, putting his mug down on the table. All the other angels looked at him. "Look, we're trying to deal with a lot of stuff right now, what with Heaven and the sudden increase in demons, so if we're going to deal with all of this, we're going to have to work together."

"Is Lucifer preaching to us about teamwork?" Gabriel asked, mouth still on his mug.

"Yeah, I know, very funny. I never claimed to like it, but it's a necessary evil. And we all know I'm all about the evils," Lucifer said, smirking back at his younger brother.

"Okay, so what's your point, Luci?" Gabriel asked.

"I'm saying we can't have secrets between us if we're going to do this, so..." Lucifer trailed off as half of his brother's looked at him in terror. He was used to inciting fear, but this was a bit excessive. "Look, I'll start. I'm sort of umm...."

"Hooking up with someone?" Gabriel said, rolling his eyes.

"We all know, Lucifer," Castiel said in his abnormally monotone voice.

"Yeah, not just someone though. Uh, he's a hunter," Lucifer finished, waiting for the reactions of the group.

"You better fucking say Dean or Michael Winchester," Gabriel grumbled. Lucifer looked at the archangel in confusion. He then glanced at Alfie, who looked just as confused as Lucifer felt. When his gaze fell on Castiel, the blue eyed angel looked like he was pleading with his eyes.

"Uh, yeah, I've been sleeping with Michael Winchester, we don't have to make a big deal about it, I just figured we should all talk about what's going on in our lives," Lucifer said. Castiel's blue eyes filled with relief and Gabriel sighed deeply.

"Since when are you my mother?" Gabriel grumbled, resting his elbows on the table. Lucifer pushed his elbows off and glared at him.

"Since you clearly need one. Your turn," he said to the archangel. Gabriel took a long sip of his hot cocoa.

"Well, I've been working at this diner, and this kid comes in, and then he wants a job, so I help him get it, and then a demon tried to kill him, so I saved him....and his name is Sam Winchester and the demons want him to complete a summoning spell and bring back Crowley," Gabriel finished in a rush.

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