Tattoos and Hamilton

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Gabriel honestly felt bad for leaving Cassie with the bad news of Balthazar, but he had to get to work. He didn't want to lose his job at the diner because he needed some source of income at the rate he was going through his sweets. And the more anxious he was, the more he needed to satisfy his sweet tooth. He was on his fourteenth lollipop of the morning when he arrived at the diner. He bit down on the watermelon flavored lollipop nervously. He knew Sam had the same shift as him (they always had basically the same schedule) and he wasn't entirely sure if he was ready to see the young Winchester after the night before. Gabriel still wasn't entirely sure what had compelled him to go to the Moose's house in the first place, much less sob in his arms like a big baby. He was an archangel, for the sake of his Father! He hadn't of course slept, because angels don't sleep (except Castiel, because he was a different breed of angel), but killing those angels had tired him out so much it was almost like a sleep-like state. And chuck, had he enjoyed it. Sam's arms around him, how the boy-moose had ran his fingers through Gabriel's hair and whispered comfortingly in his ear....

"Hey, we need to talk," Sam said as soon as Gabriel stepped into the diner, ripping the archangel straight of his reminiscence. Sam dragged him into the storage room and then shut the door. Great. Now he was going to tell Gabriel to never talk to him again....

Instead Sam wrapped his arms around Gabriel in a hug. The angel tensed up for a second, almost as if he expected it to be a trick. But no, this was real. So he hugged back, Sam's chin resting on the top of his head, and his ear pressed against Gabriel's chest. He could feel the hunter's steady was he so calm?!?

"Hey, Samoose...I'm sorry for last night, I really shouldn't have..." Gabriel started, still not having enough willpower to pull out of the hug.

"Don't be sorry, Gabe. I really didn't mind. I mean, that's what friends are for, right?" Sam said softly. If Gabriel wasn't enjoying the hug so much, he would have made fun of Sam for admitting they were friends. But he didn't want to risk Sam pulling his arms away from Gabe's shoulders. "I'm going to need you to tell me what happened though."Gabe nodded against Sam's shirt.

"Hannah asked if we could meet, and I figured I'd give it a chance...if it meant keeping Cassie safe, and getting him back to Heaven I was willing to try," Gabriel said. "But when I got there, she had two of my friends, good angels, tied up. And she said that if I gave her Cassie, then she'd let them go. And I refused. And then they killed Balthazar. He was....he was good, to me, and Cassie, and all the other younger angels. Lucifer showed up and helped me rescue the other angel, but..." Gabriel trailed off, shutting his eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Sam said softly.

"It's not your fault. I just wish I could have saved him, you know? You would have really liked him Samsquatch...he was a bit brash at times, but he always meant the best," Gabriel mumbled. Luckily he hadn't started crying again. That would have been more than a little embarrassing. And then he started thinking about the night before, and he suddenly realized the position they were in. He was still practically leaning his entire body on Sam, and the young hunter didn't even seem to struggle to support him. And of course he could feel Sam's warm breath on the top of his head.

"We've got to go, Moose," Gabriel said, untangling himself from Sam's arms. "Hey, can we meet after work? I have a couple ideas on how to keep you hidden."

"Yeah, of course," Sam said, nodding at Gabe before he left the storage room. Gabriel stayed there for a long second, running his hand through his hair. What was he doing? He was letting his emotions get the best of him, the same way his dad had always said he would. He didn't want to let anyone hurt Cassie, and running around with a guy who was wanted by both the angels and demons wasn't going to help. At the same time, Gabriel couldn't just leave the Winchesters to fend for themselves.

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