Porches and Justice

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Sam was more than a little confused after Chuck showed up, declared he was God, and then disappeared. Not exactly something he had been expecting to happen. Apparently no one else had expected it either, since they were all trying to handle it in their own ways. Charlie, Benny and Meg were asking Gilda a million different questions, since she had also told them she was a demon. Lucifer stormed out of the house, and Michael had followed him after a concerned look at Sam and Dean. Dean was also gone, practically dragging a shocked Castiel up the stairs. Sam meanwhile, was watching Gabriel with concern. The youngest archangel seemed to be the one who was reacting the least. Currently he was in the kitchen, eating some marshmallows. Sam followed him wrapping his arm around his waist, resting his chin on the top of his head.

"You alright?" Sam asked. Gabriel offered the taller boy a marshmallow. Sam took it for the sake of his angel. "Tell me what your thinking."

"Well...I'm thinking that I was hoping for something that was never gonna happen. I'm stupid. I thought that if he knew what was going on, he's want to help us, you know?" Gabriel said. Sam nodded, burying his nose in the angel's hair. He smelled like syrup. And chocolate too.

"I'm sorry, Gabe," Sam said softly.

"Sam?" Gabriel said. Sam waited, knowing that Gabriel was going to continue. "I just think I need a couple hours, okay? I just need to think, it's not you." Sam nodded. He understood, so he kissed Gabe's forehead and walked outside. He was surprised to find Dean was also sitting on the porch, rocking back and forth on the swing. Sam sat down by him, rubbing his eyes.

"How you doing?" Sam asked. Dean shrugged.

"Cas kicked me out of the room. Gabe do the same thing?" Dean asked. Sam nodded, and Dean sighed. "Hopefully all dad's out there aren't deadbeats, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess we've all got that in common. You glad Dad is gone?" Sam asked. His dad and Dean had always had a weird relationship. For someone who was as independent as Dean was, he had always been weak when it came to their father. Sam had been so shocked that Dean stood up to John, but he knew it must have been hard for his brother. Dean hadn't ever stood up to their father in their whole life.

"Yeah. I don't want to risk him messing this up. I mean, you're happy. Michael is happy. I'm happy. And that's a pretty big fucking deal," Dean said. Sam smiled and nodded, looking up into the sky. He watched as the stars winked and blinked at the world below them, the moon smirking at them in a half crescent grin.

"I'm sorry," Sam said. Dean glanced at him, raising an eyebrow.

"For what?"

"For not talking to you. It was selfish. I know you just did it to keep me and Castiel safe. I was angry, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize to me Sammy. I get it. You were going through stuff."

"So were you. I know it was hard for you to lose Cas, just like it was hard for me to lose Gabe....you're cool with that, right?" Sam asked, sort of scared to talk to Dean about it.

"Sammy, you're my baby brother, and I'm gonna support you in whatever you do. Not that I want to have a chick-flick moment, but I'm always gonna love you. Whether you date that annoying ass archangel or not," Dean said. Sam didn't look at his brother because he didn't want Dean to see his eyes filled with tears. He was about to respond when they suddenly heard something hit the porch near them. Before they could find what it was, suddenly smoke filled the porch. hey both coughed and tried not to breathe, but it was too late. They both faded into darkness quickly.

Dean woke up tied to a chair. Jesus Christ. What the hell happened to him? His head hurt, and his vision was slightly blurred when he opened his eyes. Eventually his sight cleared and he found he was in an abondoned factory. Sam was tied to a chair right across from him. His younger yet taller brother was still unconcious.

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