Closets and Reunions

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Sam was sitting in the couch, nervously ringing his hands. How did his dad just...become unpossessed? How did crap like that happen? There was no way that the demon just...let him go. So maybe the angels had worked some of their magic. It wouldn't have been Gabriel, Lucifer or Castiel who would do that though. If any of the angels came face to face with Azazel, especially in John Winchester's body, they wouldn't hesitate to kill him. Maybe this was Raphael. But then again, it wasn't part of the deal and he doubted Raphael would do anything extra to help them. Which still left Sam with no answer.

"Bobby's outside," Michael said, walking into the room. He had sobered up quite a bit, although he still looked like he hadn't slept in a week. Which was most likely accurate when Sam thought about it. "You boys should go upstairs."

"Why?" Dean asked. "Leave you down here with him alone?"

"He knows better than to say anything to me, Dean. I'll be fine. You both have school tomorrow, get another hour or so of sleep while I try to figure out what to do with John," Michael said. Although neither Sam nor Dean wanted to agree, they knew Michael wasn't going to budge. So they sighed dramatically and pretended to go upstairs. Instead they snuck over to the coat closet and hid in there. They both wanted, needed, to know what was going on.

"Come on in Bobby," Michael said, opening the front door. Bobby walked in, a haggard looking John Winchester leaning heavily on him. "You look like shit." This last part was directed to John, who Michael grabbed and helped to a couch. John flopped over, and Sam was shocked by how skinny he was. He looked like the shell of his father, like a hollow shadow of what had once been the Earth's greatest hunter.

"Where are the boys?" Bobby asked.

"Upstairs. They've got school tomorrow. I told them to get some sleep," Michael said. "Can I get you something to drink Bobby?"

"Water's fine, son," Bobby said. Michael nodded.

"Whiskey," John mumbled.

"Fat chance," Michael practically growled. He left the room and Bobby glanced over at the coat closet door.

"You idjits might be able to hide from Michael, but I know you're in there. Get out here," Bobby said. In typical Dean fashion, he shoved Sam out of the closet first. Sam gave him a nervous smile, but refused to look at his dad.

"Hi Bobby," Dean said as he walked out, closing the door behind him. "How ya been?"

"Hunting demons, picking up the slack you damn Winchesters left," Bobby grumbled, but Sam could see the smile in his eyes. "Good to see you boys. Although your face looks like crap."

"Yeah, I may have gotten in a fight," Dean said sheepishly. "But I'm fine."

"Why is it so loud up here?" Alfie said as he opened the door up from the basement. He looked at Bobby and then John. He put the phone he was holding back to his ear. "Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow morning. Umm..." he looked at all of them, fighting off a blush. "Love you too." He hung up quickly and Sam tried to hide his snicker.

"Who was that?" Sam teased.

"Shut up," he muttered. "Hi. I'm...Alfie." He offered a hand to Bobby who shook it. He gave John Winchester a mega bitchface, and Sam was proud.

"Here's water..." Michael trailed off, holding two glasses of water and a mug of coffee. He scowled at Sam and Dean and gave Alfie a small smile. "Guess the whole gang is here now."

"Who's the kid?" John asked gruffly, looking at Alfie.

"Alfie's a friend of the family. He's staying with us, in case any demons decide to show up," Michael said. He gave Bobby and John their water and sat down in an armchair.

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