Grace and Doctor Sam Winchester

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Castiel and Lucifer went to Adam's place. Sure enough, the entire place smelled of sulfur. Castiel sighed and got out the materials he and Lucifer had gathered. They figured completing a spell to find the missing boy was a better solution to the issue than trying to find him with their minds. Then the angels could get a read on them, as could the demons. So a spell seemed like the better choice. They were laying out the materials when the door to the apartment blew off its hinges. They both looked up, expecting Gabriel to be in the middle of some sort of intense entrance. Instead they saw someone they both recognized.

"John Winchester?" Lucifer asked. The man blinked his hazel eyes and they turned yellow.

"Guess again," he said with a laugh.

"Azazel," Castiel said, glaring at the demon.

"And this is such a wonderful chance. I was hoping for my boys, but two angels. Not just any angles however. No, there's the one who disgraced his father and fell from Heaven. And then of course, there's the angel with a bent halo and a price on his head," Azazel said, laughing at the two. He stepped into the apartment. Followed by six men. Cas took a deep breath. This was manageable. And then another five women came in. Still possible. And then more and more people flooded into the living room, and Cas had to assume there were even more outside.

Maybe this wasn't so manageable.

"What is it you want Azazel?" Lucifer said. "You can't get to Sam, he's protected against your kind."

"Oh, maybe he is. But the angels, well they would be willing to do a whole hell of a lot for this one here. And you two. From what I understand, you've done quite some damage on Heaven's garrison," Azazel said with a smirk. "But, of course, I'll have a bit of fun first." Azazel turned away and walked out of the apartment. "Bring them to me, incapacitated, of course." Azazel left and the demons attacked. Lucifer and Castiel did their best. They killed a lot of the demons, but there were too many, and eventually they were both overpowered and knocked out by the demons.

Castiel woke up tied to a chair, a bag over his head. He took deep breaths, steeling himself for whatever came next. He was not going to let this demon claim victory over him. He was too strong for that. He was not weak enough to show fear, to show weakness. These demons could do whatever they wanted to him, but he would not give them the satisfaction of his pain.

"I can tell you're awake under there, Castiel," Azazel said. Castiel didn't respond. The bag was ripped from his head, and he found himself in a dimly lit room, the walls made of cinder block and the floor out of concrete. Azazel was standing in front of him, his clothes and hands already covered in blood. Castiel fixed his blue gaze on the wall behind the demon. "I just finished with your brother in there. That was fun, I must admit. He's got one hell of a mouth on him, that's for sure." Castiel didn't bother looking up at the man. "Don't worry, he's not dead. He's not much use as a bargaining chip if he's dead, now is he?" Azazel sighed and pulled his chair up to the one Castiel was tied to. "You got a mouth on you too, Castiel?" Castiel did not respond.

It was weird to see John Winchester like this. He could remember seeing him when Dean was young, before John drank too much and hit Sam. He liked that John, the one who threw the football with Dean in the yard, the John that made crappy tacos and invited his baby brother over for barbecues. And then there was the John that Dean and Sam remembered, the one who threw bottles of alcohol and was hell-bent on revenge. He would hit Sam sometimes, only when Dean wasn't there. That John Winchester had been a man beyond saving. And now, that he had a demon in him, Castiel wanted nothing more than to kill him.

"Fine, you're not one for talking, I get it. Let's just see how much you scream," Azazel took the angel blade he had on a tray by Castiel and dragged it's tip down his arm. The blade cut deep into his skin, blood pouring out of it. Castiel didn't scream. He clenched his jaw and bit back his cries. He stared blankly at the wall. He was not going to give this demon the satisfaction.

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