Red, Gates and Monsters

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Castiel followed Raphael to the upper level of the warehouse. He had dumped a whole lot of holy oil on the archangel, and since he couldn't personally kill him, he really wanted to at least set him on fire. Raphael was struggling to fly now that his wings were coated in oil, and he reappeared in the warehouse awkwardly, stumbling a couple feet. Castiel used this to his advantage and lit a match, throwing it onto the oil soaked archangel. Raphael roared in pain as he erupted into flame. Castiel flew back downstairs, to where Lucifer was bravely taking on seven different angels at once. 

"Switch me!" Castiel said, stabbing one of the angels through the chest with his angel blade. 

"We cooking archangel yet?" Gabriel asked as he fended off some angels on the other side of the warehouse. 

"Upstairs!" Castiel called, and in a second Lucifer was gone. Castiel struggled against the other angels, keenly aware of the fact that he was in much more danger than his older brothers. Both were archangels, which meant both could only be killed by another archangel. Castiel didn't have that luck. If one of these angel blades got him good...well, it wouldn't go well for the angel. 

Luckily, Castiel didn't need much help. After a couple minutes and a couple more dead angels, their was a shout from upstairs, and then Raphael stumbled down the stairs. His vessel was completely burnt, and Castiel felt bad for him. The archangel seemed to be holding the human conduit together still, but it was clear it wouldn't last. He opened his mouth to say something, but then he collapsed to the ground, the body now empty of any soul. The angels left were retreating as well, flying away with a ruffle of feathers. Castiel considered pursuing them, but figured they might as well take the win they had. 

"Well, that was fun," Lucifer said as he came down the stairs. He was bleeding from his forehead and cradling his arm, which looked to be broken. "Let's try to wait a bit before we do that again." Gabriel opened his mouth, no doubt to say something else stupid, but no words came out of his mouth. Instead his face twisted from amused irritation to horror. Castiel recognized he was looking behind him and turned around. Sam was standing in the doorway, covered in blood, carrying a horribly still Dean in his arms. 

"Fuck," Lucifer said. Sam sunk to the floor, and soon they were all by his side. Castiel's hands were all over Dean, trying to heal his lover, trying to save any shred of Dean that was left. '

But there wasn't anything left to heal. 

Castiel's eyes were filled with tears, his entire body in shock. He knew Sam, Gabriel and Lucifer were talking, but he couldn't hear a word out of their mouths. He couldn't even feel his own body. He couldn't see anything after the tears were gone from his eyes, except for red. 

All he saw was red. 

And he knew whoever had done this, that his treacherous brothers and sisters were going to pay for what they had done. They had been so fearful of Castiel turning into a monster that they had inevitably turned him into one. Now they would feel his wrath. 

Lucifer was concerned the moment Castiel was gone. He had been freaking out before, panicking as Sam put Dean's lifeless body on the ground. It hurt to see him like that, as much as he figured it would hurt if it had been one of his own brothers. Sure, the younger Winchesters weren't Lucifer's family or responsibility. But he felt like they were, and it practically killed him to see what had happened to Dean. It hurt worse to see Castiel trying desperately to heal him. 

But when Castiel flew away, Lucifer wasn't sad. He wasn't even concerned, not for his younger brother at least. He was concerned for the angels. Whoever had done this was going to bleed, and Lucifer knew it. 

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