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3rd persons POV

On a dark and chilly night, a man in clad black was walking down the streets of London.

The silent midnight sky sparkled beautifully and shone a serene light.

The atmosphere of the place was enchanting, breathe-taking even.

However, no matter how beautiful a thing is, there will always be a much uglier thing hiding in it.

The mysterious man in black paced around frantically. Almost as if in search for something.

His desires were peculiar. Way too off.

Why would a man be on the streets in this peaceful hour?

Well, He was looking back and forth, trying to find a soul to consume.

Yes. A damn soul.

You would've thought he was normal, but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

The man remained discreet. His shoes tapping on the ground in a nice beat.

His hair as dark as the midnight sky, and his eyes a beautiful orange-ish brown with a red hue.

The elderly women who were back from partying on the streets were eyeing and giggling at his divinity. Some trying to seduce and bring him into their beds.

The man found this as an opportunity to snatch a small meal for himself.

He simply laughed at their pathetic gestures and played along. How pathetic! The man thought as he  chuckled lightly, tipping his hat. Showing off his pearly-white canines as he winked at the ladies.

They all squealed in utmost awe and admiration. He rolled his eyes as he began walking towards the elderly women. He glanced at each of the women, sniffing out their soul and began to decide which one he wanted to eat. Finally, he found one. An old woman with orange hair and green eyes. The "man" thought she would suffice as a small snack. So, He walked over to the woman and grabbed her 'round the waist.

She giggled as she tucked her hair back. She was busy eyeing the man to realize the danger awaiting in front of her eyes.

And the woman did a very stupid thing.

She began to flirt.

"Hey~ I'm Susan~ And what's your name, pretty boy?" The woman said she attempted to sound seductive and cute.

Upon hearing this, the man flinched in disgust! But kept his mouth shut for a while and replied with a very simple response.

"My name is none of your concern, Susan." He said as he spat her name out as if it was venom.

She flinched at his hostile response. But followed along-side him because of his breath-taking looks.

The man was losing his patience. He began to grow tired of the woman's flirty comments.

"Do you want to get fucked or not? Because I'm losing my patience here!" He said in annoyance.

His eyebrows furrowed and his plump cherry colored lips turned downwards into an angry scowl.

The elderly lady jumped once more, feeling sadness for upsetting the handsome man in front of her.

"O-Okay! I'm sorry for angering you..." She stammered in fear.

She really did want to get fucked by this young and hot man. So she followed along with his requests and kept silent.

Soon, they arrived at a park. The park was extremely dark, ominous and eerie. It was usually filled up with a bunch of children and now it was empty.

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