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Your POV

Its been a while since anything dramatic happened.

I was happily married with Sebastian.
And had three children.
I know, shocking right?

I still remember the night he proposed to me...


It was a bright sunny day. We were in the garden. Sipping tea, kissing one another. Generally having fun.

We were cheesy, he complimented me, as I complimented him.

That's until he decided that he would go get some sweets.

I waited, smiling. He told me to wear my best clothing today, I didn't know why, but I complied.

He came back, with a bunch of sweets.

He was doing something, well more like searching for something, while I was eating my cake.

"Sebastian? What are you doing?"
I said, giggling.

He turned to me and asked me to close my eyes. Smiling at me with sincerity.

I did, and then he said,

"Open your eyes, Princess." He said,

I opened my eyes, and I gasped the sight of a ring.

"S-Sebastian!" I was so happy, tears at the brim of my eyes.

"(Y/n) (L/n), would you make me the happiest demon alive by becoming my wife and demoness? And Love me forever for eternity?"

He was kneeling down, a lone tear rolling down his eye.

"Will you, marry me, Kitten?"
He said, looking at me with love and sincerity.

I jumped in his arms, crying out loud.

"O-of course! Damn! I'm crying!
My make up is gonna get ruined!"
I said, laughing.

We were both laughing, crying in each other's arms.

He slipped the ring on my finger.

This was the happiest day of my life.

And then, his eyes suddenly changes.
Burning with lust and Fuschia.

"But, you know what that means..."
He smirked, looking at me with lust.

"You're going to have to become a demoness, kitten. So you can stay with me."
He smirked, licking my neck.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt. That much." He said as he bit down on my neck.

I then suddenly felt lighter, more energetic, and powerful.

"Oh my~" He moaned out,
"Your eyes have turned red, Kitten."
He said, smiling.

"We can match now~!" He purred in my ear, happily.

His hands trailed up under my dress, touching my wet, delicate pussy.

"Let's take this to the bedroom~?"
I said, purring into his chest. Sounding like a kitten.

I didn't know that I seduced him that much, just with the sound of my voice.

He grabbed me and immediately teleported to our room.

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