Chapter 16

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Ash's POV

"Bye honey!" I say, leaving the cabin.
Thank goodness she packed me to lunch today.

I worked in the imperial lands, being the best of the best of archangels.

I feel happy she's with me.

I've been changing, I've been trying to be better for her.

I'm glad she doesn't remember her past.


Once she's 20, I'm marrying her.

I prepared a ring, and the event altogether.

And, I want to become a parent.

I want her to become the mother of my child.

I was working, daydreaming about her. Blushing and not focusing that much.

Until one of the seniors snap me back to reality

"Oi, Landers. Focus." He said, looking at me with sharpness.

"Yes, Sir!" I said and got back to work.

Your POV

Last night, I had managed to snag a house key from that kidnapper's room.

I went to the door and unlocked it.

Holy shit

Im on a mountain!

Then I remembered, it was December.

The mountain was full of snow.

But then I noticed a sled.

Fuck yeah!

I grabbed all the necessary things that I needed in my journey and left.

Sliding down the mountain, yelling in happiness.

Sebastian's POV

I was curled up in my mistress's bed.
Inhaling her scent, sniffing her clothing to keep me sane.

It was Christmas.

And if I had the chance to wish.

I would wish for her to come back.

Back to me, in my arms.

Suddenly, I heard knocks at the door.
I hurriedly wore my butler uniform and rushed downstairs.

I looked through the peephole,
And saw (y/n)'s friend from the states.



I unlocked the door and said, "Ah, Lady Nina. My mistress is currently out Christmas shopping with the Queen. I'll inform you once she's back" I said sweat dripping.

"I'm not here for her. I'm here for you, daddy." She said, trying to be sexy.

"I'm sorry m' lady but I cannot, I'm not interested." I said. After all. I wanna fuck mistress only.

She is 18 after all.

If she comes back...

"I don't care! Just fuck me already! Or I'll tell (y/n) that you raped me!"
She said, threatening me.

However, I wasn't scared of this fake bitch who only was friends with my mistress because of me.

I had to get rid of her.

"Alright, come in." I said, excited to rip out her heart and burn her remains.

"finally!" She screamed.

"Let's go fuck in that ugly bitches room!" She said.

I've had enough of her.

And then I ripped out her heart,

And burned her remains.

"My, My. What a mess!" I said.

And cleaned up.
After that, I went to my lady's room and continued to sniff her things to keep myself sane.

"Stupid demon" William grumbles, he had to reap this wenches soul because of him.

Your POV

I had made it to the bottom of the mountain.

I looked at my watch.

Ash wouldn't be back by tomorrow, so I'm safe.

I walk by a village and notice many children playing in the snow.

They seem to notice me and begin whispering.

"Hey Charlie? Isn't that the Queen's Bat? What is she doing here?"

The child asked his friend.

"I don't know Timmy, maybe she's on holiday! Let's go greet her!"

The child gestures at his friends to come along with him.

The children walk up.

One was white-haired, with skin as white as snow and small pink lips.

He had introduced himself as "Nine Kirkland"

The next child, named Timmy had brown, chestnut hair with a cheeky smile and adorable freckles.

The other child, Charlie had cute olive eyes with a more mature look. Signaling that he was older than the two.

"Hello children! What brings you all here?" I asked as politely as possible.
I honestly loved children and would love to have one someday.


The three children yelled. I smiled at their enthusiasm.

"Do any of you know where I could rent a horse?" I asked the children.

"Oh I know miss!" The child, Charlie answered.

"Alright then! Lead the way!" I smiled.

He bought me to a nice old man, who had been selling horses for a while.

"Hello Sir!" I said. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hello there young one, what horse would ya like?" He asked with a cheesy smile.

I whispered in his ear about my situation and he gasped.

"Take my fastest horse then! How about Glider? He can take you back to your home!" He smiled.

He definitely was a nice old man.

"And here, a map. You might need it! Can't get lost now can ya?"

He grinned. "Anyways, you don't gotta pay. You can take my good ol' pal Glider. Stay safe!" He smiled.

"Now go young one! You must be safe!" He helped me mount the elegant horse.

"Bye!" The children said.
"Please remember us and visit someday!" The three said in unison.

Just you wait Sebastian! I'm coming home!

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