Chapter 12

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3rd Person POV

1 year had passed.

It was a bright and sunny morning.
With birds chirping happily and little chicks dancing.

Today was the young mistresses birthday, let's take a look at what's happening at the manor, shall we?

At the manor

Sebastian's POV

Today is my lady's birthday. I have tried to find her, but it was like her aura was hidden.

I couldn't sense the contract.

It was faint, but not strong enough to find her.

That bastard might've erased her memories!

Hell, I'll kill him once I see him again!

I had decided to bake a cake for my lady's birthday.

I couldn't handle myself, I was collapsing without her...

And for the first time, in my entire existence.

I cried.

I felt helpless.

I felt vulnerable.

I don't know why I feel like this.

I know I love her...

But I can't believe I'm so affected by this!

I must get her back...

Or I'll die of heartbreak.

Meanwhile, at the cabin

Your POV

"Harder Ash!" I screamed out his name.

It was my birthday today and he wanted to satisfy my urges.

So we had a birthday sex fest.

"You feel so good baby~!" He groans lowly, his face smothered in my breasts.

He had made me orgasm at least 8 times.

And his thrusts became sloppy, I felt him groan, as he sucked my breasts.

He was close to climaxing. Thankfully, he had pulled out just in time. His semen spraying all over me.

I still can't get over the dream last night.

About that shadowy figure in a butler costume.

Why would I dream about a butler?
Who am I-

"(Y-y/n)..." He breathed out, he had a satisfied smile on his face, hugging me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worried.

"Nothings wrong hun," I said.

I have to find out what's wrong here.

Why would I dream about a butler?

Do I have connections with him?

If so, why?

I have to find out.

For all I know, I might be in danger.

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