Chapter 6

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||Once the protagonists have returned home||

"Sebastian," I said calling out to the demon butler.

I turned around to face him, looking at him with irritation.

I bought him a ring and he had yet to try it on! Why couldn't he try it on yet?!

I glared at his handsome face,
"Wear the goddamn ring already."
I said, slightly irritated. My mouth turned downward, forming a frown.

He looked at me with those red eyes, they were full of amusement and adoration. "Oh? Why should I?" He teased, he really is starting to get on my nerves.

I looked at him with my eyes narrowing into slits. How could he tease me like this?!

"Because I gave it to you." I said lowly.
My mouth then formed into a pout.

He looked at me, holding in a laugh.
"You better wear it!" I said in a
threatening voice.

His laughter disappeared, and was instead replaced with a flattered smile. "Oh, I feel so flattered, I just might wear it." He said, smirking devilishly.

And with that, he wore the dark ring.
His slender, pale hand looked magnificent in the ring. It made him ten times hotter.

He wore the ring!

He finally did!

My smile appeared in a few seconds, and disappeared as soon as it came.


Did I have to beg him to wear it?

I looked at him in the eyes, his face gave off that he was extremely happy with my persuasion. "Sebastian, go get me some sweets, I'm hungry. And don't forget the milk tea this time." I said, reminding him.

He looked at me with that beautiful face, his smile widening even more at my demands. "Oh, don't worry M' lady. If I couldn't do something as simple as that, then what kind of butler would I be?" He said, smugly. As he placed his right hand on his heart.

I blushed profusely at the catchphrase, my cheeks flaring up in the brightest red. My eyes darted around the room, and finally landed on him. "Oh spare me of the catchphrases, and get to work!" I said, slightly flustered. My eyes glanced at him once again, my heart pounding at the sight of his handsome face.

He smirked, chuckling quietly under his breath. "Don't worry M'lady, I will." and with that, he left the room.

I blushed, slapping my face a couple of times to control myself. I had to control my feelings! Feelings are for the weak! "I really have to learn how to control my heart." I said, flustered.

I then walked over to my bed, plopping myself onto the bed. And I hid under the comforter, ashamed for thinking about my butler in a different way.


There I was, humming a tune, making sweets and tea for my mistress.

As I was making her some of her favorite sweets, like cupcakes and cheesecake. I then thought of a very good idea~

I stared at the sugar. My eyes glowed up in fuschia. Maybe, I should add my special ingredient.

I smirked as I licked my lips. I can't wait to see her reaction to my little surprise.

I mean, who said I was a good guy?

My eyes flashed Fuschia. My fangs baring as I licked my lips.

I mean, once she's 18, she will experience a great act with me, but she has to try some beforehand.

I blushed, my body heating up from just the thought of the two of us doing such things together. Sinning together seemed wonderful~

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