Chapter 3

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Author's POV

"Ugh," The young Mistress grumbled. It was quite boring today, and she wished for some exciting thing to happen.

So she decided to summon her demon butler, wanting to do something.

She really was bored today. Extremely bored. So she decided that it was a good idea to buy something for her butler today!

(Y/N)'s POV

I was currently on the last paper that the Queen assigned to me. My boredom was extremely high! So, as soon as I accomplished the task of doing my paperwork, I decided to call out my demon butler to help me ease this painful boredom.

"Sebastian!" I yelled out my butler's name. I was quite bored, so I've decided to go outside today. Maybe explore the City! Or I'll buy a gift for Sebastian.

At the thought of Sebastian, I scoffed yet, blushed. Remembering what he did yesterday.

He's lucky he's even allowed to come with me after pulling that stunt on me.

And as soon as I called for him, he appeared in front of me. His right hand crossed over his "heart".

"Yes, my lady?" He replied, in a gentle voice.
He was looking at me with that face again. His emotions were inexpressible.

I put my leg over the other, looking at him with boredom in my eyes. I didn't know that I was seducing him with the look on my face.

I looked at him, bored. "Prepare the carriage. I'm quite bored and I want you to accompany me." I said, in a casual tone.

I twirled a lock of my hair in my fingers, like a badass.

He looked at me again, With that mischievous smirk. His eyes flickering Fuschia.

He was definitely aroused.

He looked at me in the eyes, with those eyes glowing with a bright, burning Fuschia.

He licked his lips and looked into my eyes. The room's atmosphere was darker, full of sexual tension that came straight from the demonic being.

He looked into my eyes and then said, "I could entertain you, My lady. Or would you prefer the rather boring scenery outside?"

I snorted, laughing at his attempts to get in bed with me.

He was so lustful nowadays, always purring his desires to me.

I looked straight into his eyes with no fear as I smirked and said, "As if you can entertain me. What are you gonna do, strip for me? Just get the carriage ready already." I said, a bit irked.

His lustful face disappeared in an instant, instead replaced with his signature smirk.

Hurt was clearly displayed in his eyes. Showing his disappointment that he couldn't have me.

I smirked at his fallen expression, he seemed disappointed by my answer.
Soon after that, he came back.

He smirked, bowing before me with his right hand on his "heart".
"Finished, My lady~," He said in a happy tone.

I looked at him surprised. Already?! Oh, yeah. He's a demon. I grimaced at the thought, the truth really hurts in a way.

I gestured for him to follow me, I put on my cape and went down the large staircase in the manor.

"Come on, let's go," I said. I wanted to go shopping for a bit.

"Alright, my lady." He said as he smiled.

As soon as we got downstairs, he helped me put on my high heeled shoes.

We went out of the manor, he walked behind me the entire way to the luxurious carriage.

As soon as we arrived at the carriage, He helped me up into the carriage. It was only two steps, I could've done it myself. But I appreciated his efforts nonetheless.

And as soon as I walked in, he hopped on and left for the City.

I looked outside, admiring nature and the civilians going by and on with their lives.

Then we went to the shops. I was planning to be a little nice, I was gonna buy him something.

But it's not like I like him or anything...

I blushed at the thought of Sebastian holding me closer to him, I slapped myself back to reality.

I looked out the carriage once again, There it was! The perfect shop to buy something for Sebastian!

Rio's Rings and Thing's!

I looked over to Sebastian, deciding to tell him to stay in the carriage.

"Uh, Sebastian. You can stay here. I, uh, I've got something to buy. uh, bye!?" I said and jumped out in a hurry.

Sebastian's POV

I gasped in surprise, what in the holy Satan?!

Why did my mistress just jump out of the carriage? I should probably go after her.

But she told me to stay here so she could buy something.

What is she gonna buy that's so special? Is it a toy for me to use on her? Or maybe a cond-

(Y/N)'s POV

Phew! I made it! Rio's Ring's And Thing's

Maybe I could buy some matching rings for us?

I pondered and walked inside of the shop. I went over to the clerk and asked him, "Excuse me, can you please show me your best matching rings?"

The man looked quite shocked to see me. "T- the queens b-bat, m-my l-lady please follow me." I felt bad for the man. But I couldn't lose my intimidating persona just for him.

"H-here." he showed me some pretty cute matching rings.

( the black one is his

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( the black one is his. And yours is the white one)

I really hope he likes it. It's just like us, complete polar opposites.

It's quite luxurious. It cost 3 million pounds just for the rings. I felt a subtle bit of dissatisfaction with my gift.

Should I buy some Chocolate? A rose? No! Not a rose! He's not my lover!

Gah! I'll just buy chocolate! I hurried into a store called "Cupid's Chocolates" I hurried to the counter and looked for the finest chocolates there were! I found a large fancy box with fine quality chocolate in it. I walked up to the clerk and I paid for it and left.

I finally felt satisfied. Maybe he'll be happy? Confused? I don't know how he'll react.

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