Chapter 8

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//During the carriage ride...//

It was a silent journey to the Palace, a long one too. It left me thinking deeply.

Maybe a little too much. I was currently thinking about my butler, Sebastian.

His flawless, handsome face. His slender yet muscular body. His plump, kissable lips. His charming smiles. His red eyes that I could get lost forever in...

I don't understand...

Why do I feel this way?

Why does it have to be him?

I found myself asking these questions to myself. I felt pathetic and weak.

Love really seems nice though. Even if it's Sebastian.

I mean, he's handsome! And at the end of the contract, I would be his.

I blushed at the thought of bearing his children. I even thought of cute little baby names. And whenever I saw cute, luxurious baby clothing, I would imagine what our kids would look like in them.

I blushed profusely and let out a little squeal. There's no way that I could hear demon children! I'm a human being!

But then my mind wonders whether he could transform me into a demon or not...

I slapped myself, trying to snap myself back into reality.

I began to give myself some pep talk, saying thing like,
"Stop it (y/n)! Focus on the task in hand!"
And more after that. I began to slightly worry about my mental health.

Sebastian seemed to have heard the ruckus I was causing in the carriage. He started to occasionally glance at me to check if I was okay. And that's when he decided to ask what was wrong. "Anything wrong, M'lady?"
Sebastian asked, in a concerned voice.

His handsome face twisted in confusion and worry. Making him look a hundred times more attractive.

I replied in a nonchalant way, not meaning to make him feel worried about my well being. "Yeah.." I replied, bored.

I felt like the carriage ride was a bit too awkward and tense, so I decided to break the tension by asking him simple questions like,
"When are we arriving?" I asked, in a bored tone.

He didn't look at me, his eyes fixed on the road of London. That didn't stop him from replying to me though.
"Soon M'lady, soon." Sebastian says, with a happy tone.

I noticed his happy tone and decided to tease him about it.
"Don't you seem excited?" I asked, smirking. I noticed how his flawless face seemed to be in deep, emotional thought. Something in his mind made him happy, and it made me feel confused. In a good way somehow.

"A token for your thoughts?" I asked, in a playful tone. My eyebrows raised up in playful suspicion as I crossed my hands over my chest.

He chuckled quietly at my reaction and began to silently hum a tune.
"Oh, it's nothing M'lady~" He says in a sing-song voice.
His red, gorgeous eyes sparkled as he continued to think about it.

I felt a bit disappointed, but decided to keep my distance and not be nosy.
"Whatever.." I said, mumbling under my breath.

I began to fix up my makeup and made sure I had to look well.

//Timeskip brought to you by Grell The red reaper.//

"We've arrived, M'lady!" Sebastian says. His eyes lighting up in excitement.

I looked over at Sebastian, admiring his face for a while and began to think of ways to begin my plan.
"Alright, let's begin." I said, my tone getting a bit more serious.

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