Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV

The archangel had finally arrived at an old, rusty-looking cabin. It was far away in the mountains. Where no one had been able to live, because of dangerous wild animals roaming the premises. There had been folktales about the place, usually about a goblin living in the mountains. The people were afraid to go to such extents, believing that a goblin would gobble them up.

However, Ash is an Archangel.

He's not scared of the tales that some mortal made up. Hell, he was laughing at the thought of such silly fears.

So it was the perfect place to keep his lady.

Ash's POV

"Goodness me, I finally have you!"
I said to the unconscious girl, smiling charmingly. (Creepily)

I admired her beautiful face. The way her hair shined was absolutely beautiful~

Her long lashes were beautifully curled and opaque.

But her lips. Damn, her lips! The beautiful light shade of red they were, shining with a gloss that was carefully applied on her luscious, plump lips.

Her body was hugged by a beautiful black and red dress. The dress hugged her figure so well that I felt myself getting aroused by the second!

And then I suddenly realized, My soon-to-be wife was probably hungry!
I must go cook for my angel~!

I went down to the kitchen. I began to wrap an apron around my waist. I started humming a tune, tapping my feet. I was gonna cook for her. A delicious, English breakfast. I hope she'll enjoy it!

As I began to cook, my thought were clouded with her face. Her lips, her smile, her hair-


Oh my, oh my!  My darling is awake!
How exciting! I can't wait to see her reaction to my cooking!

I hurried up and placed the food on a plate and removed my apron.

Soon, I walked up to the room that my lady was staying in, I felt myself begin to feel nervous. I hope she likes it...

Your POV

That fucking bastard is gonna pay!
Sebastian better be here soon!
I heard knocks on the door. Me, being me. I told him, "FUCK OFF!" But he simply ignores me. And walks in.

He sure is handsome. But his looks are irrelevant to me right now because I was fucking kidnapped by this bastard!

He looked at me, worried. His purple eyes glistened under the man-made lights in the room and said,
"My dear, please realize that that demon is only trying to make you impure. I'm trying to keep you safe! Here in my arms!" The man pleas. His eyes were glossed over with worry and frustration at my anger for him. I then noticed he had a plate of food in his hands. And as if on cue, my stomach rumbles.

He smiles, his eyes -which were previously filled with anger and frustration- softened.

He began to feed me and I blackout.

Bastard. He must've put something in the food!
Ash's POV

I sighed, placing the unconscious girl on my lap.

She definitely is a stubborn girl. But her entire existence is just so exhilarating! I must do something to change that!

I began to think, my mind scattering everywhere. My soon-to-be wife had to forget that blasted demon! She just had to!

And as soon as my mind thought of that, an idea popped into my mind.

Aha! I should make her forget about who she is! I must alter her thoughts about me and that blasted demon! And she must think she is rightfully mine~

And most importantly...

She must forget Sebastian.

I smirked, looking at the unconscious girl on my bed. I had decided to erase her memories of her past and current present. I had to create an illusion to make her think she is my lover.

Not a badass mistress, kicking butt with a demon sidekick/ love interest!

I can't let that demon have everything!

I have to have her as mine!

And with that, I began to search for my potions.

I walked into my potion room, my hands searching for the river water of Lethe.

Well, it's technically not a potion. But it'll work.

I walked out of the room holding my potion bottle carefully.

And as soon as I saw her unconscious body, I placed two drops of the river water into her mouth.

This is going well. She'll be mine...

Several Hours Later...

Your POV
I woke up, my head was spinning. I felt fuzzy and my body was shivering from the harsh temperature outside. My head had a huge headache. I then looked over to search for Ash. Where is Ash? Why am I alone in our room? I looked around and yelled, "ASH!" Where is he? Has he abandoned me?
"I'm coming, my dear!" He yelled.
As soon as he came in, he went over to me and showered me with kisses.

He looks sad. His face covered in guilt.

Why was he filled with guilt? What happened?

He's my honey bun. Why would he be scared?

He cuts me off of my thoughts. His eyes softening at my expression of concern for him.

He hugs me, his hands wrapping around my waist in an overprotective manner.

"I love you alright?" He says to me. Looking at me with lust and sincerity.
My heart warmed up. My face contorted into an enormous smile.
"I love you too!" I kissed him back, feeling happy, but confused. Because
for some weird reason, I feel something is off.

However, I paid no heed to such feelings and hugged him tighter.

I began to kiss him. My lips coated in saliva from his pretty lips.

Slowly, our kiss became heated. And he asked me, "Shall we take this to the bedroom~?" He said huskily.

My face looked confused, yet happy.

My heart was telling me to stop. Something was definitely off.

But I didn't pay any mind to my alarmed feelings.

I kissed his lips once again, wrapping my legs around his waist.

And I said yes.
Yet, Why do I feel empty?

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