Chapter 19

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Your POV

I woke up, stretching my arms and legs out.

A week just passed, and Sebastian is supposed to be awake today.

I showered, dressed and ran downstairs.

"Martha! Is he awake yet?-" I said, being cut off.


"My Lady..." He said smiling.


I ran into his arms, crying.

"I missed you, you bastard!"
I said crying out loud.

He smiled. and said,
"I missed you my lady." He smiled and hugged me back.

He seemed to be checking me out.
Eyeing me from head to toe.

I smiled, sort of missing his perverse
Attitude. And said, "What are you looking at, pervert?" I said, playfully.

"Oh, just your beauty my lady."
He smiled, cheesily.

"Can I?" He said, coming closer to my face.

"Just.." He said holding me tight, as if I was going to disappear if he let go.

"Kiss you? This once?" He said, his eyes burning in Fuschia, filled with lust.

I blushed, I couldn't.
I wasn't sure whether he genuinely liked me or not.

"I, don't know. You probably don't even like me that much."
I said, sad. Looking at the ground.

He looked at me, shocked. He seemed offended at my words.

"I stopped functioning after you left."
He said, backing me up against the wall.
"Well, more like kidnapped."
He looked at me, his eyes glistening in
Pain, remembering that horrid memory.
"I masturbated in your bed, sniffed your clothes and even slept on your bed to keep myself sane."
He said, whispering in my ear.

"But I-"

"I even tried to kill myself for you. I couldn't bare the heartbreak."
He said, looking into my eyes.

So, I kissed him.

He suddenly stopped, noticing something odd about me.

He sniffed my scent.

And suddenly, he said,
"That bastard touched you?!"

He was beyond angry.

He felt the urge to mark what was his.

He had to mark her.

Some asshole just marked his property.

And he won't go easy this time.

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