Chapter 9

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Previously, on that butler, lustful.
Your POV
I looked at Sebastian behind them, signaling we had to go.
Sebastian's POV

My lady gestures at me to follow her.

And I obviously do. I don't want any disgusting, sorry for an excuse of a human, to touch my property.

I thought deeply about how much I hated the old men that wanted to sleep with my chosen one. As we walked along the alleyway of crimes, I heard the disgusting old men complimenting my mate about her figure and her sexy choice of clothing.

It made me furious and made me feel the urge to rip their hearts out this instant.

I wanted to make them suffer, but this was my chosen one's job to seduce fuckers like them. At least I could get rid of them after this.

Soon after, we began to walk towards a much darker part of London, the alleyway of crimes deepest spot.

It's funny how I found my chosen one here. When she was on the verge of dying. I remember her beautiful face almost blue from the cold night. Her lashes would flutter so gently like a little princess.

We head deeper inside of the abandoned alleyway.

And that's when our plan comes into action.

As we were walking, it made me realize how men like them didn't care about walking for so long just to have sex. How stupid and idiotic of them. Couldn't they have sensed something was off?

Who knew men working for the mafia were that dumb.

I felt my face contort into a burning rage, my face was definitely not attractive now.

But I continued to feel anger as my lady flirted with those men in provocative ways.

I began to look more closely as she leaned in and smiled, her plan was extremely effective. She had them wrapped around her gorgeous finger.

Why couldn't she flirt with me like that?

Why doesn't she lust for me?

Well, at least I'll have her entire existence once the contract is over.

Oh the things I will do to make her mi-

I was cut off of my very fun and imaginative thoughts by my lady yelling at me in a whisper.
"Sebastian!" My lady yells in a whisper. Her face was extremely focused and made her even more attractive than usual. It made me happy and even more lustful for her.

Oh~ Her face is just exquisite-
"Focus you idiot!" She tells me.
She cuts me off again. This time a bit louder.

She leans in, her eyes glistening under the moonlight. "They're at the shops, they want to buy condoms. So hurry up and get ready to kill!" She said.

As we were walking down the alleyway to find a suitable place to kill, we encounter a mysterious figure.

A very mysterious figure approached us, it's wings flare out golden sparks.
"Well, well,well. What do we have here?" A mysterious man in white appears.

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