Chapter 11

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Your POV

Love bites,

Scratch marks,


Skin slapping,

And all things sensual is what happened last night.

My lower bottom is quite sore after having sex with Ash.

For some weird reason,

it feels like I just lost my virginity.

But I already have?

Or have I?

Anyways, I shouldn't doubt my loved one.

I'm lucky to have a handsome, gentle, and charming fianceè.

He had been asleep for a while.

So, after our steamy session. I stood up and went to the kitchen.

Drinking some water to quench my thirst.

I'm hungry, so I'll look for something to eat.

I walked to the fridge and looked for something to eat.

I spotted the cake.



Why do I feel-
I was still hiding under the sheets,
Then, I heard him come in.

"Are my sweets and tea ready?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, m' lady." He said with a smile.

I looked at the tray and it looked delicious.

I grabbed a cookie out of the tray and took a huge bite out of it.

"Hey ---------, " I said, looking suspicious.

"Yes m' lady?" He said with a shit-eating grin.

"What did you put in this?" I asked, really suspicious.

"Oh, only my special ingredient, m' lady." He said.

I poked the cream inside the cookie.
He started to laugh-

Who is this man?

Why can't I remember him?

Why do I--

And I blacked out.

Only seeing a shadowy figure, wearing a butler uniform in my dreams.

The next morning...

Ash's POV

I woke up and saw that (y/n) wasn't with me.

Had she escaped!?

I ran down to the kitchen to find her passed out, naked on the floor.

What happened? I picked her up and sat her on the couch.

I splashed water on her face.

She finally woke up.

"My darling! Are you okay?!" I asked, nervous.

"Yea, yeah,  I'm fine." she said, and suddenly groans in pain. She holds her head.

I ran to the Medical Kit. And bought out some painkillers.

I asked, "What happened, my dear?"

Your POV

"It's nothing Ash." I say, trying not to worry him.

I didn't want him to worry.
Just in case this information might be important in the future.

Why do I feel weak?

Is this where I truly bel-

"(y/n)!" Ash screams. "Are you okay?!" He asked me.

"Of course I am, silly!" I said, trying not to worry him.

"Can you make me some breakfast?"
I asked him, and everything was alright.

At least I think it is?


Authors POV

From then on, (y/n) lived with Ash for a few more years.

Until she finally finds out the truth.

And runs away.

Will she survive the angel and run back to Sebastian's arms?

Or will she die by the hands of Ash?

Let the games begin...

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