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"You know, I think that's the best haircut you've ever had" I said to Nat as she threw a punch at me, which I reflected with my arm

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"You know, I think that's the best haircut you've ever had" I said to Nat as she threw a punch at me, which I reflected with my arm. "I don't know how I feel about your hair" she replied with a grunt as she ducked from my left hook. "I needed a change, I haven't had short hair since like 1932" I said moving back a bit causing her to follow me, both of us having our hands up at our faces, a piece of my now mid neck length hair stuck to my sweaty face.

"We should both get bangs" she said as she tried to kick me, causing me to grab her foot and pulling it towards me, causing her to hit the mat with a thud. "No, I'd never get bangs" I said as she kicked me in the knee with her free foot, causing me to topple over almost falling on top of her.

I sat my hands at either side of her head, rolling onto the mat and standing up against, Natasha kicking her legs and pushing off the ground and jumping off the mat quickly, facing me once again.

"I think you'd look nice with bangs" Natasha said to me with furrowed eyebrows, dropping her hands from her face, causing me to do the same. "My eyebrows need to be on show" I told her as I wiped the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand before hoping off of the mat, tossing Nat her water bottle that was on the floor, taking a swig of water from mines.

"How about we start with matching tattoos?" She asked me, her tone curious as she shrugged her shoulders. "That sounds a lot more permanent than bangs" I scoffed, running my hand over my baby hairs to keep them down.

"Does your body accept ink, or will it just push it back out?" she asked me, closing her water bottle and leaving the room, causing me to follow her, probably heading to the showers.

"No, it accepts it" I replied her quietly, my head falling as I instinctively looked at my hip, where my old HYDRA tattoo still sat, never having got it covered or removed. "Matching manicures to start with?" I said looking over at her, raising my eyebrows at the suggestion.

"They'd get chipped on mission" She told me, shrugging her shoulder. "Pedicures?" I countered, her response being interrupted. Both of our watches beeped, causing us to look down at our wrists simultaneously. "Oh, joy" I said looking up at Nat once again. "We should go get changed" She said, pointing towards the showers once again.

"Yeah, I've got to go pick up Steve as well" I added, pushing open the door and throwing my towel into the basket.

"We'll just meet you there"


I drove the black audi up the street, the Washington monument to my left as my car zoomed down the empty street. The roads were empty, considering the sun had come up only an hour ago, everyone still at home safe and sound in their beds.

The hum of my car ripped through the air as I raced down the long road, Steve coming into view at the end of it, his run having ended a few minutes ago. As I got closer I could see that he was talking to someone who was sitting down o maybe grass, presumably someone he had met this morning.

We stopped tracking Steve last year, but he didn't seem to know that all SHIELD phones track at all times, but I wasn't going to tell him because it meant I could make him pick me up a coffee when I know he's near a Starbucks.

My car came to a halt next to the two men, rolling down the passenger seat window and looking out of it, keeping one hand on the wheel. "Do either of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil" I said with a deadpanned emotion, Steve turning around and glaring at me. "Good one" He remarked as he turned back to his friend, who was now standing up, shaking Steve's hand firmly.

Steve made his way to the car, opening the door and sitting in the seat. His friend stood next to the car, bending down and looking at me through the open window, a smirk on his face and his eyebrow cocked slightly.

"Hey" He said to me with a nod of his head, causing me to smirk back at him. "Hi" I replied before pressing the peddle down with my food, the car zooming away as I pushed the button to roll the window back up. "Ready for the mission? It's on a boat" Steve said to me, doing up his seatbelt as quickly as he could, which was proving difficult considering the speed we were going at was pushing him back into his seat.

"What you get sea sick?" 


Book 3 is a go! And it's an exciting one I promise!
I would like to thank you for finishing both the first and second book, and I appreciate that you came back to read the 3rd one.
I will try update as often as I could because I am really excited about the story line of The Winter Soldier and how it relates to Ally.
So please like and comment (and hey even message me if you want) and I will see you all later!

 So please like and comment (and hey even message me if you want) and I will see you all later!

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