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I coughed lightly as I left the bathroom, brushing off my blue tweed skirt lightly as I saw the security guard standing outside of the door, nodding at them as they escorted me through the lobby

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I coughed lightly as I left the bathroom, brushing off my blue tweed skirt lightly as I saw the security guard standing outside of the door, nodding at them as they escorted me through the lobby. I fixed the wig I had atop of my head, brushing the bangs lightly to make them look more natural. I was disguised as the councilwoman I had taken down moments prior, this being my way into the building and in front of Pierce without getting killed or arrested.

At the security gate one of the other guards looked at me and nodded, opening the gate and letting me through. "Thank you" I said to him with my seamless british accent. The guard led me to the small group of 4 suited men with briefcases standing in the middle of the bright room, Pierce walking down the glass stairs to meet them. "Did you find it okay?" a middle aged man asked me, holding a briefcase by his said as he turned to face me.

"Yes, yes, perfectly fine" I replied with a curt nod, turning to listen to Pierce greet the council members and I. "Hello" Pierce bellowed at us as he walked closer to us, his hands by his side as his assistant chased after him, holding a box in her hands. "How was the flight?" Pierce asked Councilman Hawley, who I knew as he was in charge of the field agent coverage of the board. "Lovely, the ride from the airport less so" he replied as Pierce moved onto shake the mans next to his hand. "Sadly, SHIELD cannot control everything" he replied in a sympathetic voice, which clearly wasn't genuine.

"Including Captain America and Ebollium" Hawley retorted, causing Pierce to look over at him as he nodded his head slowly. At the mention of me frightened me slightly, these men not knowing that their greatest enemy and threat was amongst them. Pierce made his way around the group, greeting everyone and having a small talk with them. He made his way to me as he stood in front of me, holding out his hand as I shook it with a small smile. "Nice to see you" He said with a smile as I shook his hand. He didn't suspect a thing, meaning Maria's invention seemed to work a lot better than I had hoped. "You too" I replied nodding my head at him as his assistant followed down the line opening up a box, revealing 4 clips inside of it. "What are these?" I asked as I pointed at the box, Pierce looking over at me as I looked at the assistant holding up the box, who looked frightened she was about to drop the box at any moment.

"This facility is biometrically controlled, and these will give you unrestricted access" Pierce told us after he had shaken all of our hands. I took one from the box, clipping it to my chest, knowing that the compound was in fact biometrically controlled. "Now, if you'd follow me I'll show you the way to my office" he said as he clasped his hands in front of him, ready to take us to the very top of this building.


We stood in Pierce's penthouse office, nothing but windows composing the walls, showing off the scenery of Washington DC. The five of us stood holding champagne glasses, a hologram being projected in front of us, a countdown for Project Insight ticking away.

Pierce cleared just throat, taking a step in front of us all, all of our eyes directing towards him. "I know the road hasn't exactly been smooth, and some of you would have gladly kicked me out of the car along the way" he said as he raised his glass up, straightening his back as everyone chuckled lightly. I joined in, taking a small step towards the other Council members, one looking over at me and laughing along.

"Finally we're here, and the world should be grateful" he said as we all raised our glasses as well, nodding in agreement to what he was saying. I raise my glass to my lips as everyone else did, taking a sip before the overhead comms speakers started buzzing softly, indicating someone was about to use them. Pierce look around, all the men confused as to why it was making that noise.

"Attention, all SHIELD agents, this is Steve Rogers"


A/N: sorry i've been away for a while and that this chapter is short but i'm trying I promise.
When it comes to the final battle of these movies I can't remember what every move is nor does the transcript I use tell me every that goes on in a scene, which means I have to watch the movie and or find clips of it on YouTube and write as I watch it, which takes a while trust me.
But anyway here it is, also if you didn't know I've started editing Red Room and can I tell you my chapters used to be so long and so mistake filled so i'm sorry to all who had to read it how it used to be
please vote and comment and I will see you soon

 But anyway here it is, also if you didn't know I've started editing Red Room and can I tell you my chapters used to be so long and so mistake filled so i'm sorry to all who had to read it how it used to be please vote and comment and I will see y...

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