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My eyes fluttered open gently as I woke up in a hospital bed, the thin blanket covering my legs

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My eyes fluttered open gently as I woke up in a hospital bed, the thin blanket covering my legs. Steve was lying next to me, his arm around my shoulders as his head rested on top of mines, our breathing synchronised. I closed my eyes gently again, not wanting to move from my slumber.

I felt like crap, and i'm guessing I looked like it too. I couldn't describe what was going through my head, nor could I describe how I was feeling at the moment. Bucky was alive, the love of my life, my light at the end of the tunnel. He was alive, and I didn't even know it.

Steve's head moved, his cheek warm against the crown of my head, my hair rustling with his movements. I didn't want to wake him up, so I laid still, trying to decipher my thoughts in my head. I'm guessing after my breakdown Steve put me in a bed to fall asleep, but i'm happy he managed to sleep as well, we both hadn't done much of that in the last few days. My chest rose and fell to the sound of Steve's heartbeat, my eyes fluttering close once again.

"I know you're awake" Steve's raspy voice said to me quietly, still sleepy. "No I'm not" I told him, keeping my eyes closed and not making another move. "How do you feel?" he asked me, his head moving slightly but not moving off of the top of mines. "Like shit" I said simply, normally Steve would have laughed at that remark, but he didn't.

"You?" I asked him, realising I hadn't thought about how Steve might have felt through this whole thing. "Fine" he said but I could feel his jaw clench against my head. I sighed, sitting up straight and crossing my legs on the thin bed, a bit surprised we both fitted on this thing honestly.

"Steve, tell my the truth" I said as I turned around to face him, causing him to look at me, moving his head into the pillow and closing his eyes. "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky" he breathed out, opening his eyes and looking back over at me. I nodded my head, not exactly knowing what to say. "He was always there for me, so when he died it felt like a piece of me was missing" he continued, sitting up as well, bowing his head.

"I don't know what to think" I breathed out, shaking his head lightly. I reached forward, grabbing his hands in his, running my thumb back and forth against the back of his hand. "Me neither" I said to him quietly, footsteps ringing through the room as someone got closer.

"Wow, you two are finally up" Natasha said as she stood in the hole in the wall, holding two bottles of water as she smiled softly at us. "What time is it?" I asked her, realising the fact that we were underground had completely messed with my inner clock. "11am" she said as she walked into the room, her shoulder wound stitched and visible due to her tank top showing her tan arms.

"Super soldiers need to rest as well" I told her, matching her smile as well as I could. "Especially after 2 days of nothing but fighting" Steve finished for me, Natasha standing next to the bed and holding the bottles out to both of us. I took one from her as Steve took the other, opening them easily and taking a sip as he held his in his hand. "Where's Sam?" I asked her, setting the bottle on my knee as I held it there.

"Getting quizzed by Fury, the standard 'You're not part of HYDRA, are you?' kind of questioning" She joked, looking at me as I nodded my head slowly, I couldn't bring myself to laugh. "Fury says he wants to talk with us all when you two were awake" she said quickly, sensing the tension in the air.

"Tell him we're still asleep" Steve grumbled from beside me, Natasha smiling over at him, him countering hers with a smirk of his own. "The doctor went out to get you breakfast, it's in the room Fury is in" She said using her thumb to point to the hole in the wall behind her. "What is it?" I asked her, taking the bottle in my hands raising my eyebrows in curiosity.

"Pancakes" she said rolling her eyes. I scoffed, knowing they Natasha hated pancakes for breakfast. "There's eggs" She said to Steve, cocking her head to the side. "Why can't I have eggs?" I asked her, her eyes flickering back over to me.

"Oh you can, it's just Steve likes his protein"


A/N: i'm loving writing the platonic love between Steve and Ally tbh
Anywayyy, another update today hey oh, i'm going to see how long this consecutive updating lasts and I hope it does, but this is the last chapter I have prepared so I need to start writing lol
Please vote and comment and I will see you sooooon

A/N: i'm loving writing the platonic love between Steve and Ally tbhAnywayyy, another update today hey oh, i'm going to see how long this consecutive updating lasts and I hope it does, but this is the last chapter I have prepared so I need to star...

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