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I got up out of my chair, making my way to my office door, closing it softly

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I got up out of my chair, making my way to my office door, closing it softly. I sighed once, turning the lock so no one could get inside once I started, especially Fury. I came back to my office after having gotten changed out of my mission suit and filing paperwork for the mission. Steve ran off, probably going home, or going to cool off which he defiantly needed after this morning. I ran my hand through my hair, pushing it out of my face as I opened up my laptop, grabbing a small USB drive like the one I used today.

Fury told me to copy it all onto a drive for him, but he never said how many copies I could make, plus I felt like there was something useful in these files, or he would have never made me do it I the first place. I pushed the USB in, opening all the files that I secured earlier today.

I pursued my lips as I ran it through an algorithm, typing in key words that would give me any hints as to why Fury needed these. I sighed as I got blocked by firewall after firewall, saying the files didn't exist, which made me curious to say the least.

'Lemurian Star's satellite launch file' I typed in, a box popping up with a chime. "Access denied?" I question quietly, trying to override it with a few clicks. 'Director Override, Ivankova, Alyona' I typed, just for it to be back fired as well.

I sighed, trying to run a decryption, just for it to bonce immediately, not letting into the files that this whole process was secretly hiding. 'Override failed, all files sealed' a new warning said, which I closed quickly, trying to get in another way, the keys clicking the only noise bouncing around the room.

"What the hell?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked at the information on my screen. 'On the authority of Nicholas J Fury' it read, causing me to scoff and lean back in my chair. Why would Fury need to seal all of those files?

I just wanted to know where exactly the Lumerian Star was set to go and what was on board. We only got given rough blueprints by Rumlow today, but they never said what anything on the boat actually was. And now the fact that I couldn't find any information on the boat within all the files that were ever made in SHIELD history was very fishy.

I sighed, pulling the USB from my laptop and closing it harshly, pushing myself away from the table and out of the chair. I unlocked the door and started walking down the hall, which was completely empty considering mostly everyone was having lunch in the cafeteria or out. I made my way to the other end of the office floors, which were full of bullpen offices for interns and lower clearance level agents.

I looked around the large room that had cubicle separators up, but they weren't tall enough so that you couldn't see over them while standing. There was only two people in the room, who were sitting at the other end as to where I was. I nodded my head, mentally remembering where they were and slipping into one of the seats at the side so no one could see me.

I clicked the space bar a few times, the screen lighting up with the person who's desk this was desktop, rookie mistake in not logging out when you go for lunch. I rolled my eyes, reaching around the back of the monitor and pushing in the USB drive, once again creating an algorithm as quickly as possible.

'Alexander Pierce' I typed in, not wanting any link of me searching for Pierce's name linked to my work laptop or computer. Once again absolutely nothing came up, saying the files were sealed, which was peculiar. For one of 3 of the highest ranking agents within SHIELD there should be at least a singular file on you that isn't sealed, especially considering I was now searching all files in history.

I had corrupting all of the seals that were supposed to be set on private and confidential information, but they had layered impossible fire walls one after the other, my hacking skills not being able to at least destroy one of them.

"What the hell?" I asked once again, leaning back in the uncomfortable chair, sighing as I stared at a blank computer screen, a bunch of coding staring back at me as I tried to find a flaw that I could easily make the whole thing crumble with, but I couldn't find a single thing.

"Excuse me?" A small voice said from behind me, causing me to close the window as quickly as possible, deleting all the work I had done in the past 10 minutes. I turned around, a lanky girl with a slim face looking down at me with a Starbucks cup in her hand and a confused look on her face.

"Can I help you?" I asked her without thinking, causing me to curse at myself after she said "This is my desk". I smiled at her sweetly, reaching behind the screen and pulling my USB back out, slipping it into the pocket of my black jeans.

"Sorry, my computer stopped working" I lied as I got up from the seat, giving her a quick apology as I walked past her, leaving the bull pen and walking back towards my office once again.

Something was wrong, and I was determine to find out what.


A/N: So here's a chapter showing how smart Ally actually is, she learned how to code and hack back in the 70s when computers were first becoming more mainstream and she's been adapting and learning as technology has ever since then.
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