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"What's happening?" I asked as Pierce looked confused, walking over to his desk and trying to push buttons on his control pad

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"What's happening?" I asked as Pierce looked confused, walking over to his desk and trying to push buttons on his control pad. "Why is he here?" Council member Singh asked, setting his champagne glass back down on the table, all of us following suit.

"You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth" Steve's voice said, echoing through the room as we all listened intently. "What?" Another councilman said, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes drifted over to the countdown that was still lowering. "SHIELD is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building" Steve said, taking a sharp inhale.

"They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control" He added, the councilmen started to look around at one another, me acting and following suit to blend in as much as possible. "They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not" he ended, the static coming through the speakers stopping, his speech finished and hoping people were listening.

"You smug son of a bitch" Councilman Rockwell shouted, turning to Pierce who was walking swiftly over to us. The elevator doors opened, two agents entering. "Arrest him" Singh said to them, mistaking them as SHIELD agents when they clearly weren't. One took a long stride next to Singh, pulling out a gun and pushing it against his temple, all of us tensing and the room falling silent as Pierce took his place in front of us again.

"I guess I've got the floor" Pierce said, clasping his hands I front of him as we all stood frightened, Pierce's voice as calm as it could be. He reached his phone out of his pocket, raising it to his ear as he connected to someone on the other line. "Initiate launch" He said simply, setting his phone down on the table after, looking over at us all. "Let me ask you a question. What if Pakistan marched into Mumbai tomorrow, and you knew that they were gonna drag your daughters into a soccer stadium for execution?" he asked Singh, holding out a glass of champagne, which he took holding it hesitantly in his hand as his eyes drifted to the Agents pointing a gun at him. 

"And you could just stop it with a flick of the switch. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't you all?" he asked us, turning to look at al of us. "Not if it was your switch" Singh spat at him, taking the glass and throwing it over the room, it smashing and spilling the champagne everywhere. One of the HYDRA agents next to him hands the gun over to Pierce, who held it up, pointing it directly at Signh's head. Signh's breathing hitched as he accepted his ultimate fate

I leapt forward, kicking Signh out of the way and onto the floor as the HYDRA agents ran towards me, ready to fight and take me out. Pierce took a step back as well as the rest of the Council members.

I grabbed Pierce's arm before he could react, taking the gun out of his hand and hitting him in the nose with it. I slipped a small metal disc from my sleeve, throwing it at one of the HYDRA agents, causing him to shrink to the floor as he was electrocuted. I twisted Pierce's wrist, ducking under his arm as I took the gun and threw it at another agent, hitting him in the face with it, causing him to fall back lightly.

An agent came towards me as I hit him in the throat, bringing my knee up and hitting him in the stomach as he bent down in pain. I grabbed him bu the neck, swiping my foot under his legs and shoving him into the ground as he fell, knocking him out. the last agent came towards me with a gun, causing me to grab his wrist and take the back of his head in my hand, smashing his head into the table, his body crumpling to the floor.

The one I had hit in the face with the gun came towards me. As he swung his hand at me I grabbed his hand,folding his fingers back as I heard the bones snap and hitting him in the back with my elbow. I did the same thing again as I held him by the arm, kicking him in the groin and throwing him onto the floor.

I looked up at Pierce as I reached out for the gun, Pierce raising his hands to protect his face as he wiped a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth. I stood up slowly, stretching my arm out and pointing the gun at him. "I'm sorry" I started as I lifted my hand to my temple, pulling the small disc off of my skin as the tech slowly disappeared, my face now staring at Pierce. I pulled the wig off, throwing it onto the floor as my own brown hair fell.

"Did I step on your moment?"


A/N: exciting news, I started book 4 today!
I also finished off Reconciliation today, and as i always do I will upload a new part everyday over the next week until it's finished! I may even upload multiple in one day it just depends how often i'm on the app
please vote and comment and of course add this book to your library so you know when the new book is coming out!

A/N: exciting news, I started book 4 today! I also finished off Reconciliation today, and as i always do I will upload a new part everyday over the next week until it's finished! I may even upload multiple in one day it just depends how often i'm ...

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