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We step out of the elevator, which opened up to a room full of old computer tech, which I hadn't personally seen in decade

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We step out of the elevator, which opened up to a room full of old computer tech, which I hadn't personally seen in decade. Steve and I stood just out of the elevator, looking at the computers with a confused expression on our faces.

"This can't be the data-point, this technology is ancient" I said as i began walking around, looking at the layers of dust covering everything, did these things even work anymore?

I saw a USB port underneath what seemed to be the main computer, pulling the drive out of my pocket and forcefully shoving it in, the computer gears starting to work, the whole room filling with a whizzing noise. Steve found his place next to me, standing in a defensive stance as if the computer was about to start fighting us.

'Initiate system' The screen said,
causing me to blow the dust off of the old clanky keyboard, typing in my answer. "Y-E-S, spells yes" I said with a smile as I clicked the enter button, smiling back at Steve. "Shall we play a game?" I asked him with a wide smile, which was returned with an unamused face, causing me to sigh.

"It's from a movie-" I started exposing, Steve interrupting me. "Yeah, I've seen it" He said to me as a new voice entered the room, causing me to snap my head back around to the computer screen. "Ivankova, Alyona 1919" A familiar voice rang through the room, causing Steve to protectively wrap his hand around my wrist, pulling me back.

"Rogers, Steven Grant 1918" it said as a computer at the top of screen started analysing is, causing my confusion to be blown through the roof. "Alyona, may I say how disappointed I am in you" The voice said as the screen flickered with green static, causing Steve to look over at me.

"Arnim?" I asked, the voice slapping me back into my HYDRA days, a picture of young Armin Zola showing up on screen, causing Steve to furrow his eyebrow. "The German scientist?" Steve asked me causing me to shrug my shoulder and shake my hand from his grasp.

"Correction, I am Swiss" Zola said, causing me to roll my eyes as I stood looking at the screen, a green shading of Zola's face showing up on the screen. "Is this a recording?" I asked the computer, not entirely sure how Zola was here and talking to us. "I am very real, Fraulein" He said back to me, causing me to furrow my brow at Steve, who was equally as confused.

"In 1972 I received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body, my mind, however, that was worth saving on two hundred thousand feet of data banks" He started to tell us, causing me to look around the room at all of the hard drives that were
story his knowledge. "You are standing in my brain" he added, causing me to look down at my feet, thinking that's a pretty gross way to phrase that.

"How did you get here?" Steve asked as I racked through my brain for useful information. "Operation Paperclip after the War, SHIELD recruited German scientists with strategic value" I said to Steve, looking over at him seeing him nod his head at my explanation. "They thought I could help their cause. I also helped my own" The voice said to us, causing Steve to retort an answer rather forcefully. "HYDRA died with Red Skull".

"Cut off one head" Zola started causing me to finish the saying along with him. "Two more shall take place" we both recited, knowing the phrase like the back of or hands. Steve looked over at me but I didn't return the glance, causing him to turn his head back to the computer, not mentioning what just

"Prove it" Steve spat at the computer, causing the whirring noise to increase, new picture of Schmidt showing up on the screen. That flickered off as old videos of HYDRA soldiers marched across the screen. "HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize, was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist" Zola said before continuing on with his speech.

"The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly. After the war, SHIELD was founded and I was recruited. The new HYDRA grew. A beautiful parasite inside SHIELD" He said to us causing me to take a small step back, closer to Steve as I stared at the screen with wide eyes, an animation of the HYDRA logo sweeping through the old SHIELD logo.

"For seventy years HYDRA has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war. And when history did not cooperate, history was changed" he finally finished, the screen going black before the green face came back once again. "That isn't possible, I would have noticed by now" I said a little flustered, shaking my head at the screen.

"Accidents will happen" he says as the screen flickers, showing the newspaper front page of the news that Howard and Maria had died, crosses on both of their eyes, instigating that HYDRA was behind the killing, which I knew already.

"HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Once the purification process is complete, HYDRA's new world order will arise. We won, Captain" Zola said, causing me to look down at the floor, feeling like a failure. I never left HYDRA, and that to me was devastating, I was always the bad guy.

"What's on this drive?" Steve asked bluntly to the screen, needing to know. "Project Insight requires insight, so I wrote an algorithm" Zola told us, causing me to snap my head up again. "What kind of algorithm?" I asked, wondering if he told me I may know how to hack it. "What does it do?"

"The answer to your question is fascinating. Unfortunately, you shall be too dead to hear it" Armin said, Steve grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him instantly, causing my confusion to grow even more. My phone buzzed in my pocket, grabbing it and looking at the notification i just received.

"Steve, there's a bogey coming in" I told him, showing him my phone before shoving it back into my pocket. The doors start to close to the room, trapping us in here, causing me to turn around frantically. "30 seconds tops" I told him as he looked back at me, worried.

"Who fired it?" he said to me as his eyes fell on a manhole cover sunk into the floor. "SHIELD" i answered as we turned back to the computer. "I am afraid I have been stalling, Captain. Admit it, it's better this way. We're both of us out of time" Armin said as Steve ran over, me following him as he ripped the cover off of the manhole, falling into the right space.

"Come on" he said to me as i looked back over at the computer, running over and grabbing the hard drive. "Ally, stop" Steve shouted as I grabbed it running towards Steve, jumping into the hole and into Steve's arms, just in time for the whole room to be blown to bits.


A/N: I've really been running out of things to say at Authors Notes, but THE chapter is coming up soon and I am ecstatic.
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