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We all sat in Sam's Toyota which was parked on the side of the road, the cafe sam was sitting in right next to where we were

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We all sat in Sam's Toyota which was parked on the side of the road, the cafe sam was sitting in right next to where we were. Natasha hacked into Sitwell's email, discovering that he had a lunch meeting today, hopefully we could intersect him.

Steve was in the front as Nat and I were in the back, everyone sitting in silence as I leaned against the window, watching Sam stare down Sitwell as he spoke to someone. "Is this is a good idea?" Steve said, looking at me through the mirror.

"Yeah, we need to get information out of Sitwell" I said nodding my head, watching as Sam put his phone to his ear, the plan officially starting. "Won't his phone be tracked?" Steve said to me as Sam got up from his chair, walking over to Sitwell as his expression changed, Sam grabbing his arm subtly and walking him towards the car.

"I've got it covered" I said as I got out of the car, as the two men made it closer, Sitwell making eye contact with me and scoffing. "Nice to see you, Ma'am" He said as I grabbed him by the arm, pulling his phone from his pocket and dropping it onto the sidewalk and standing back as he got into the car next to Natasha.

"You too?" He asked as I got back into the car, trapping Sitwell in as I slammed the door shut. "What did you expect?" I asked him, Sam also climbing into the car and pulling away instantly, taking his hat and sunglasses off. "Someone at SHIELD to actually be loyal" Sitwell said under his breath, keeping his head straight and focused on the road.

"You have no idea" I said shaking my head, making eye contact with Steve through the mirror once again.


We climbed up the remaining few stairs, Steve opening the door as I shoved Sitwell through to forcefully, almost causing him to fall over. He got up, picking up his glasses as Steve started walking towards him, Natasha and I following him, causing Sitwell to stumble backwards towards the end of the building.

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve said as he fumbled backwards, shoving his glasses back on his face. "I was throwing up, I get seasick" he said as he reached the end, looking behind him to see the long fall to the ground, Steve grabbing him to stop him for falling off, but still holding him at the edge of the roof.

I saw his eyes dart towards Natasha and I, who stood on either side of Steve, slightly behind him. "Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers" Sitwell said, a bit flustered as he made eye contact with Steve again.

Steve laughed lightly, letting go of his suit and dusting off his shoulders, causing Sitwell to let go of a breath he must have been holding. "You're right, it's not" Steve said, taking his hands and shoving them in his pocket, taking a small step back. "It's hers" he added as I stepped forward.

I smiled condescendingly at Sitwell before lifting my foot and forcefully kicking him off of the side of the roof. He plummets to the floor, his screaming becoming more faint as he did so. "Oh" Natasha exclaimed, causing us all to look over at her. "What about that girl from accounting, uh, Laura?" She said, pointing at Steve, still attempting to get him a date.

"Lillian, Lip piercing" Steve said, motioning to his lip, causing Nat to nod lightly. "She's cute" I shrugged, looking back at the city. "I'm not ready for that" Steve said as I made eye contact with him, seeing him staring at me in the eyes, causing me to smile slightly at him.

Suddenly Sam came up from the side of the building, dropping Sitwell in front of us as he flew to the other side of the roof to land. Sitwell climbs onto his knees, his emotion scared and fearful of us as Steve and I walked up to him, causing him to look up at us.

He holds his hand to up in fear, telling us he was ready to surrender, dropping his hand to the concrete and bowing his head as he spoke to us quickly. "Zola's algorithm is a program for choosing Insight's targets" he said as he looked back up at us again. "What targets?" I asked him, crossing my arms as I stared at him.

"You two. A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA. Now, or in the future" Sitwell said as Steve looked over at me, his expression similar to my confused one.

"The Future? How could it know?" I asked as i crossed my arms, my eyebrows furrowed, Sitwell laughing lightly. "How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it" Sitwell said with a smirk as we still looked confused, clearly finding this funny.

"Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores" He started listing before continuing. "Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future". He made eye contact with me, his smirk still there. "Clearly didn't take much to decide to put you on the list" He sneered, causing me to clench my fists, stopping myself from punching him in the face.

"And then what?" I spat at him, causing his smirk to be wiped off of his face, bowing his head. "Pierce is going to kill me" He muttered under his breath, causing me to lose my patience. "Then what?" I shouted at him forcefully, causing him to look up at me and then back at Steve.

"Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list" He replied, causing my breathing to hitch lightly, looking over at Steve to see him looking back at me.

"A few million at a time"


A/N: only a few chapters away from the chapter you have all been waiting for since Red Room
Please vote and comment and continue reading and I will love you forever

A/N: only a few chapters away from the chapter you have all been waiting for since Red RoomPlease vote and comment and continue reading and I will love you forever

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