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We pulled up to the run down concrete buildings of what used to be the old army base

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We pulled up to the run down concrete buildings of what used to be the old army base. When we got here I had to get out the car first and practically rip the metal gate off of its hinges to get the truck through it.

"This is it" Steve said to me and we climbed out of the car, Steve pocketing the keys, the sun setting in the distance. "The file came from these coordinates" I told him, pulling my phone out and double checking they did, after taking the extra second to send the coordinates to my phone back at the apple store.

"So did I" Steve said to me, standing next to me with his hands in his pockets as we stared at the buildings in front of us, being thrown back to the 1940s.

"That was a good one" I said with a smile, pointing at Steve as I turned to him, causing him to smile down at me rolling his eyes playfully. "We have no idea what building the signal is coming from" I told him, turning to look at a massive building that never used to be there.

"Well, let's start looking" He said to me as we began walking, me holding my phone up at arms length, it scanning the surrounding for a signal output.

It was going to be one long night.


"You trained me here" Steve said to me as he walked below me, the platform I was on leading to a building door. "Yeah, look" I said pointing at the familiar corner coming up in front of us.

"It's the flagpole" I said as we both stopped, looking at it with soft smiles. I remember the day Steve dropped the pole, grabbing the flag and passing it to me, not having to run anymore. It was an impressive move, I will admit.

"It's changed" I said, pointing at the buildings sitting on the now concrete roads, this path being nothing but grass back in the day. "This is a dead end. Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even radio" I told him, dropping my arm and typing on my phone one more time, making sure there wasn't something wrong with it.

"Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off" I shrugged, looking back up at our surroundings, looking to my left and cocking my head to the side, Steve catching on and looking as well.

"That isn't supposed to be there is it?" I asked him, pointing over at the ammunition's bunker, Steve shaking his head at me. We both start walking over to it, the darkness humming between us, having searched this whole camp, obviously the thing we were looking for was the last thing we found.

"Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards of the barracks" Steve said to me, pointing out that my old barracks was only a few strides away from where we were now. "Can we go back in there before we leave? Trip down memory lane" I asked him as we positioned ourself in front of the door to the bunker, Steve getting ready to break the lock.

"Yeah, of course" he said before striking the padlock with the edge of his shield, causing it to crumple and break to the ground. "Wow" I said bluntly, faking that I was impressed, even though I had seen him do that a million times by now. "Shut up" he jokingly said as he pulled the creaky door open, walking in and holding the door open for me from in front of me, clearly wanting to go in first so if something happened, I'd be the first out.

We walked down the stairs, making our way to the bottom. Steve ran his hand across the wall, hitting a light switch and flipping them on. The lights to the large room flickered on, revealing a vast room with long tables in it, a variation on the SHILED logo on the for wall.

"This is SHIELD" I sighed, motioning to the room as if I was showing off my organisation, even though I had no idea it was a thing when this building was erected. "Where it started" He added onto my sentence, nodding at the wall as we both started walking over to it. Staring back at us was 3 familiar faces. Peggy, Howard and Colonel Philips looking back at us. "It's Howard" I said, pointing at the picture in the middle, not having seen a picture of my old friend in a long time.

I looked around the room, looking at the large bookcase that ran from wall to wall with great suspicion, knowing that that is not a way any sort of government organisation would keep there books stored like that. "If you're already working I am secret office" I said as I made my way over, setting my hand on one of the shelves heaving them as they pulled apart, revealing an elevator door.

"Then why do you need to hide the elevator?"


A/N: i absolutely love writing jokes between Ally and Steve, it's one of my favourite things to do
please vote and comment and I will see you all soon

A/N: i absolutely love writing jokes between Ally and Steve, it's one of my favourite things to do please vote and comment and I will see you all soon

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