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Next thing I know Steve takes a few steps back, turning forward and cowering behind his shield as he smashed the window, managing to clear the jump to the next building, also smashing through that building

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Next thing I know Steve takes a few steps back, turning forward and cowering behind his shield as he smashed the window, managing to clear the jump to the next building, also smashing through that building.

I turned back around, putting my hands on each side of Fury's face as I said on my knees behind him, and propping his head on my knees. "You're okay" I whispered to him, even though he wasn't conscious. At this point I could tell if I was convincing him or convincing myself.

This was an attempted assassination, by who, I couldn't possibly tell you, but there were people in SHIELD who were trying to tear it down and for once in my, I felt threatened. "EMT's will be here soon" Agent 13 said to me as she pushed the radio into her pocket. "If soon isn't in the next 5 minutes I'm going to be angry" I said to her quietly but assertively.

"I don't think we can control how fast they get here" She said sheepishly, clearly picking up on how stressed out I was as my friend was dying in my hands. "Well you better damn try".


Natasha, Steve, Maria and I all stood and watched through the window as many doctors were operating on Fury. My breathing hitched as I saw the lead surgeon shake his head lightly, taking out his tools and going in from a different approach as nothing seemed to be working well.

"Tell me about the shooter" Natasha said to Steve, her voice strained, tear stains on her cheeks already. Steve shook his head lightly, looking down before looking back up again, clearly regretting something.

"He's fast and strong" Steve started, his breathing steady as he described the shooter to us all, having come face to face with him less than a few hours ago. "Had a metal arm" He added like it was nothing, but to me my heart literally dropped, my breathing audibly getting caught in my throat

I don't feel like many people were fitted with metal arms in the last 70 years, and I already knew one person with them. We single handedly destroyed every single last HYDRA base that was known before 1980, so the fact the Winter Soldier could still be around was a big fear of mines.

He was stronger than me and he was pumped with more serums than I was. "Ballistics?" Natasha asked him, Maria speaking up instead. "Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable" She said bleakly, not tearing his eyes from the surgery.

"Soviet- made" I said to them, causing Maria to nod her head lightly. "Yeah" she replied to me, acting like I was suggesting it and not telling her. Any other day I would have corrected her, but the sound of Fury's heart machine going into V-tach interrupted me.

"Crash cart coming in" One of the nurses said, pushing it into the room distraught. "BP is dropping" another nurse said, looking at the monitor as it dropped drastically. "Defibrillator, charge it to 100" The lead doctor said, being handed the paddles as he set them on Fury's chest, shocking him.

The jolt traveled through his body but nothing happened, causing the doctor to shout again. "Pulse?" He asked as a Nurse could see anything. "Nothing" he replied, causing the doctor to put the paddle back on his chest.

"Don't do this to me, Nick" Natasha whispered at the glass, all of us watching in shock as they tried to bring him back from the dead. "Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear" The doctor said, sending another shock through him, the nurse telling him there was still no pulse. 

"Okay. 200, please. Stand back. Three, two, one. Clear" The doctor said, sending another pulse through Fury, once again having no reaction. "What's the time?" The doctor asked the nurse next to him, everyone looking towards the clock.

"No" I said quietly, shaking my head as a tear ran down my cheek. "Don't do this to me" Natasha repeated beside me.  Steve turned away from the window, not wanting to watch it anymore. "1:03, Doctor" The nurse told him, causing the doctor to sigh as the tear running down my face dropped off my chin, it's track being replaced with another.

"Time of death, 1:03 a.m"


A/N: and Fury is gone, or is he?
We clearly know what is going on but I enjoy writing this book, especially because a familiar face will be showing up.
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 please vote and comment and I will see you all very soon

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