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Maria led us down a dark hall that was part of a large underground concrete bunker

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Maria led us down a dark hall that was part of a large underground concrete bunker. Natasha had her arm thrown around Sam's shoulder as he supported, neither Steve or I saying anything to each other or to anyone else since we got thrown in the van.

A short and stout man in a sweater vest came running towards us, or more importantly Natasha. "GSW. She's lost at least a pint" Natasha said to him as he looked at her wound while trying to walk backwards, struggling to multitask, which was worrying for a doctor.

"Maybe two" Sam told him, Maria nodding her head at his addition, realising he was probably right. She definitely lost a lot more than 2 pints, but I figured they'd just pump her with blood anyway so it wouldn't make a difference. "Let me take her" The doctor said to Sam, offering his arm to him.

"She'll want to see him first"


She takes us into another room with a large hole in the wall which we step through, a square that has been cornered off with curtains sitting in the far away corner of the room.

Hill walked over as I stop in front of them, pulling them back to reveal Fury, lying in a bed hooked up to a monitor with a book in his hand. He drops his book, looking over at us and rolling his eyes. "About damn time" He grumbled, setting his book on his bed as he looked over at us, seeing Natasha's shoulder.

"Don't just stand there and bleed out"


I sat at a metal table in the same room everyone else was in, picking at the skin around my thumbnail as Hill talked to Fury quietly who's alive and lying in bed, Natasha in a stool next to his bed as her wound was getting stitched up by the Doctor who was sitting next to her, her jaw clenched.

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, one hell of a headache" Fury grumbled as he held out a stack of papers to Steve, who stood at the end of his bed with his arms crossed, taking them off of him and reading them.

"Don't forget your collapsed lung" The doctor pointed out looking away from Natasha and accidentally poking her with the needle, causing her to grimace. "Oh, let's not forget that. Otherwise, I'm good" Fury added on, nodding his head slowly.

"Al, here" Maria says coming over to me with something wrapped in aluminium foil, holding it out to me. "It's my lunch, you look like you need some food" She said to me as I took it from her with a grateful smile, which i'm sure only came out as a grimace, even though I tried hard.

"Thanks" I said as I set it on the table, unwrapping it to see a sandwich. I peeled the bread back, seeing rashers of bacon sitting on top of lettuce and tomato, I picked them out, taking a bite out of one of them as I leaned back in my chair, listening into the conversation.

"They cut you open, your heart stopped" I said to them, causing them all to turn to me as I spoke for the first time. I bit another piece of bacon off of the strip in my hand, watching as Fury rolled his eyes at me. "Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it" He said as he looked over at me, tilting his head to the side.

"What's wrong with you, Ivankova?" He said to me as I scoffed at him, Steve shaking his head. "Don't" He whispered to Fury, causing him to get off of my back. "Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?" Natasha asked him, gripping the towel in her hand to try and release the pain coming from her shot wound.

"Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful" Maria told us, standing on the other side of the bed, her hands shoved deep in her pockets as she smiled over at Steve. "Can't kill you if you're already dead. Besides, I wasn't sure who to trust" Fury said, everyone not saying a word.

I slammed my fist into the table, causing a loud bang to echo around the room, the doctor jumped slightly, which was met with a small groan from Natasha. I put the bacon back on the top of the sandwich, scraping my chair against the floor as I stood up, walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Fury asked me, his tone of voice not a friendly one. "HYDRA" I spat back at him, causing Steve to shout to me. "Ally, come on" He said, sounding sick and tired with me already. "No, Steve" I shouted back, my voice lingering in the stone room. "You see this?" I shouted, hiking up my shirt, revealing my HYDRA tattoo to the group, all of their eyes drifting towards it.

"I'm one of them, there's no denying it" I added, dropping my shirt as I pointed at the wall. "40 years, he was right under my nose for 40 years" I screamed, tears streaming down my face before I could even think to blink them away.  "And I didn't even know it" I continued before taking a deep breath, looking directly at Steve.

"They'd take me back, I know it, I'm the only person who could even think about beating you" I spat at them, pointing at Steve, scoffing before turning away from the group, facing the wall as I put my hands in my hair, tugging at me roots. "I could save him" I sobbed, completely breaking down, my shoulders heaving as tears fell from my chin.

"I could still save him" I whispered to myself once more, my legs giving way as I fell, Steve running over and catching me before I could hit the floor, using his strong arms to keep me up, holding my head to his chest as I sobbed into him.

"I need to save him"


A/N: I'm a little late with today's upload but check me out, this is like my 7th consecutive upload woohoo!
Please vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow (hopefully)

A/N: I'm a little late with today's upload but check me out, this is like my 7th consecutive upload woohoo! Please vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow (hopefully)

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